/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007 by Dominic Rath * * Dominic.Rath@gmx.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "image.h" #include "types.h" #include "replacements.h" #include "log.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "target.h" int image_ihex_buffer_complete(image_t *image) { image_ihex_t *ihex = image->type_private; fileio_t *fileio = &ihex->fileio; u32 raw_bytes_read, raw_bytes; int retval; u32 full_address = 0x0; char *buffer = malloc(fileio->size); u32 cooked_bytes; int i; /* we can't determine the number of sections that we'll have to create ahead of time, * so we locally hold them until parsing is finished */ image_section_t section[IMAGE_MAX_SECTIONS]; u8 *section_pointer[IMAGE_MAX_SECTIONS]; if ((retval = fileio_read(fileio, fileio->size, (u8*)buffer, &raw_bytes_read)) != ERROR_OK) { free(buffer); ERROR("failed buffering IHEX file, read failed"); return ERROR_FILEIO_OPERATION_FAILED; } if (raw_bytes_read != fileio->size) { free(buffer); ERROR("failed buffering complete IHEX file, only partially read"); return ERROR_FILEIO_OPERATION_FAILED; } ihex->buffer = malloc(fileio->size >> 1); raw_bytes = 0x0; cooked_bytes = 0x0; image->num_sections = 0; section_pointer[image->num_sections] = &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes]; section[image->num_sections].base_address = 0x0; section[image->num_sections].size = 0x0; section[image->num_sections].flags = 0; while (raw_bytes < raw_bytes_read) { u32 count; u32 address; u32 record_type; u32 checksum; if (sscanf(&buffer[raw_bytes], ":%2x%4x%2x", &count, &address, &record_type) != 3) { return ERROR_IMAGE_FORMAT_ERROR; } raw_bytes += 9; if (record_type == 0) /* Data Record */ { if ((full_address & 0xffff) != address) { /* we encountered a nonconsecutive location, create a new section, * unless the current section has zero size, in which case this specifies * the current section's base address */ if (section[image->num_sections].size != 0) { image->num_sections++; section[image->num_sections].size = 0x0; section[image->num_sections].flags = 0; section_pointer[image->num_sections] = &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes]; } section[image->num_sections].base_address = (full_address & 0xffff0000) | address; full_address = (full_address & 0xffff0000) | address; } while (count-- > 0) { sscanf(&buffer[raw_bytes], "%2hhx", &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes]); raw_bytes += 2; cooked_bytes += 1; section[image->num_sections].size += 1; full_address++; } } else if (record_type == 1) /* End of File Record */ { /* finish the current section */ image->num_sections++; /* copy section information */ ihex->section_pointer = malloc(sizeof(u8*) * image->num_sections); image->sections = malloc(sizeof(image_section_t) * image->num_sections); for (i = 0; i < image->num_sections; i++) { ihex->section_pointer[i] = section_pointer[i]; image->sections[i].base_address = section[i].base_address + ((image->base_address_set) ? image->base_address : 0); image->sections[i].size = section[i].size; image->sections[i].flags = section[i].flags; } free(buffer); return ERROR_OK; } else if (record_type == 4) /* Extended Linear Address Record */ { u16 upper_address; sscanf(&buffer[raw_bytes], "%4hx", &upper_address); raw_bytes += 4; if ((full_address >> 16) != upper_address) { /* we encountered a nonconsecutive location, create a new section, * unless the current section has zero size, in which case this specifies * the current section's base address */ if (section[image->num_sections].size != 0) { image->num_sections++; section[image->num_sections].size = 0x0; section[image->num_sections].flags = 0; section_pointer[image->num_sections] = &ihex->buffer[cooked_bytes]; } section[image->num_sections].base_address = (full_address & 0xffff) | (upper_address << 16); full_address = (full_address & 0xffff) | (upper_address << 16); } } else if (record_type == 5) /* Start Linear Address Record */ { u32 start_address; sscanf(&buffer[raw_bytes], "%8x", &start_address); raw_bytes += 8; image->start_address_set = 1; image->start_address = be_to_h_u32((u8*)&start_address); } else { free(buffer); ERROR("unhandled IHEX record type: %i", record_type); return ERROR_IMAGE_FORMAT_ERROR; } sscanf(&buffer[raw_bytes], "%2x", &checksum); raw_bytes += 2; /* consume new-line character(s) */ if ((buffer[raw_bytes] == '\n') || (buffer[raw_bytes] == '\r')) raw_bytes++; if ((buffer[raw_bytes] == '\n') || (buffer[raw_bytes] == '\r')) raw_bytes++; } free(buffer); ERROR("premature end of IHEX file, no end-of-file record found"); return ERROR_IMAGE_FORMAT_ERROR; } int image_open(image_t *image, void *source, enum fileio_access access) { int retval = ERROR_OK; if (image->type == IMAGE_BINARY) { image_binary_t *image_binary; char *url = source; image_binary = image->type_private = malloc(sizeof(image_binary_t)); if ((retval = fileio_open(&image_binary->fileio, url, access, FILEIO_BINARY)) != ERROR_OK) { strncpy(image->error_str, image_binary->fileio.error_str, IMAGE_MAX_ERROR_STRING); ERROR(image->error_str); return retval; } image->num_sections = 1; image->sections = malloc(sizeof(image_section_t)); image->sections[0].base_address = 0x0; image->sections[0].size = image_binary->fileio.size; image->sections[0].flags = 0; if (image->base_address_set == 1) image->sections[0].base_address = image->base_address; return ERROR_OK; } else if (image->type == IMAGE_IHEX) { image_ihex_t *image_ihex; char *url = source; if (access != FILEIO_READ) { snprintf(image->error_str, IMAGE_MAX_ERROR_STRING, "can't open IHEX file for writing"); ERROR(image->error_str); return ERROR_FILEIO_ACCESS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } image_ihex = image->type_private = malloc(sizeof(image_ihex_t)); if ((retval = fileio_open(&image_ihex->fileio, url, FILEIO_READ, FILEIO_TEXT)) != ERROR_OK) { strncpy(image->error_str, image_ihex->fileio.error_str, IMAGE_MAX_ERROR_STRING); ERROR(image->error_str); return retval; } if ((retval = image_ihex_buffer_complete(image)) != ERROR_OK) { snprintf(image->error_str, IMAGE_MAX_ERROR_STRING, "failed buffering IHEX image, check daemon output for additional information"); ERROR(image->error_str); fileio_close(&image_ihex->fileio); return retval; } } else if (image->type == IMAGE_MEMORY) { image_memory_t *image_memory; target_t *target = source; image_memory = image->type_private = malloc(sizeof(image_memory_t)); image_memory->target = target; } return retval; }; int image_read_section(image_t *image, int section, u32 offset, u32 size, u8 *buffer, u32 *size_read) { int retval; if (image->type == IMAGE_BINARY) { image_binary_t *image_binary = image->type_private; /* only one section in a plain binary */ if (section != 0) return ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; if ((offset > image->sections[0].size) || (offset + size > image->sections[0].size)) return ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; /* seek to offset */ if ((retval = fileio_seek(&image_binary->fileio, offset)) != ERROR_OK) { strncpy(image->error_str, image_binary->fileio.error_str, IMAGE_MAX_ERROR_STRING); return retval; } /* return requested bytes */ if ((retval = fileio_read(&image_binary->fileio, size, buffer, size_read)) != ERROR_OK) { strncpy(image->error_str, image_binary->fileio.error_str, IMAGE_MAX_ERROR_STRING); return retval; } } else if (image->type == IMAGE_IHEX) { image_ihex_t *image_ihex = image->type_private; memcpy(buffer, image_ihex->section_pointer[section] + offset, size); *size_read = size; image->error_str[0] = '\0'; return ERROR_OK; } else if (image->type == IMAGE_MEMORY) { /* TODO: handle target memory pseudo image */ } return ERROR_OK; } int image_close(image_t *image) { if (image->type == IMAGE_BINARY) { image_binary_t *image_binary = image->type_private; fileio_close(&image_binary->fileio); } else if (image->type == IMAGE_IHEX) { image_ihex_t *image_ihex = image->type_private; fileio_close(&image_ihex->fileio); if (image_ihex->section_pointer) free(image_ihex->section_pointer); if (image_ihex->buffer) free(image_ihex->buffer); } else if (image->type == IMAGE_MEMORY) { /* do nothing for now */ } if (image->type_private) free(image->type_private); if (image->sections) free(image->sections); return ERROR_OK; } int identify_image_type(image_type_t *type, char *type_string) { if (type_string) { if (!strcmp(type_string, "bin")) { *type = IMAGE_BINARY; } else if (!strcmp(type_string, "ihex")) { *type = IMAGE_IHEX; } else { return ERROR_IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } } else { *type = IMAGE_BINARY; } return ERROR_OK; }