jtagspi: new protocol that includes transfer length
[openocd.git] / contrib / loaders / flash / fpga / xilinx_bscan_spi.py
index a107a6ac78716e78d78d15d9096c4555b1f93671..4246aa2f3af3f98fa2a6f8e9233d368492fa3d77 100755 (executable)
 #  GNU General Public License for more details.
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from mibuild.generic_platform import *
-from mibuild.xilinx import XilinxPlatform
-from mibuild.xilinx.vivado import XilinxVivadoToolchain
-from mibuild.xilinx.ise import XilinxISEToolchain
+import unittest
+import migen as mg
+import migen.build.generic_platform as mb
+from migen.genlib import io
+from migen.build import xilinx
 This migen script produces proxy bitstreams to allow programming SPI flashes
-behind FPGAs. JTAG signalling is connected directly to SPI signalling. CS_N is
-asserted when the JTAG IR contains the USER1 instruction and the state is
+behind FPGAs.
+Bitstream binaries built with this script are available at:
+A JTAG2SPI transfer consists of:
-Xilinx bscan cells sample TDO on falling TCK and forward it.
-MISO requires sampling on rising CLK and leads to one cycle of latency.
+1. an arbitrary number of 0 bits (from BYPASS registers in front of the
+2. a marker bit (1) indicating the start of the JTAG2SPI transaction
+3. 32 bits (big endian) describing the length of the SPI transaction
+4. a number of SPI clock cycles (corresponding to 3.) with CS_N asserted
+5. an arbitrary number of cycles (to shift MISO/TDO data through subsequent
+   BYPASS registers)
+* The JTAG2SPI DR is 1 bit long (due to different sampling edges of
+* MOSI is TDI with half a cycle delay.
+* TDO is MISO with half a cycle delay.
+* CAPTURE-DR needs to be performed before SHIFT-DR on the BYPASSed TAPs in
+  JTAG chain to clear the BYPASS registers to 0.
-class Spartan3(Module):
+class JTAG2SPI(mg.Module):
+    def __init__(self, spi=None, bits=32):
+        self.jtag = mg.Record([
+            ("sel", 1),
+            ("shift", 1),
+            ("capture", 1),
+            ("tck", 1),
+            ("tdi", 1),
+            ("tdo", 1),
+        ])
+        self.cs_n = mg.TSTriple()
+        self.clk = mg.TSTriple()
+        self.mosi = mg.TSTriple()
+        self.miso = mg.TSTriple()
+        # # #
+        self.cs_n.o.reset = mg.Constant(1)
+        self.mosi.o.reset_less = True
+        bits = mg.Signal(bits, reset_less=True)
+        head = mg.Signal(max=len(bits), reset=len(bits) - 1)
+        self.clock_domains.cd_sys = mg.ClockDomain()
+        self.submodules.fsm = mg.FSM("IDLE")
+        if spi is not None:
+            self.specials += [
+                    self.cs_n.get_tristate(spi.cs_n),
+                    self.mosi.get_tristate(spi.mosi),
+                    self.miso.get_tristate(spi.miso),
+            ]
+            if hasattr(spi, "clk"):  # 7 Series drive it fixed
+                self.specials += self.clk.get_tristate(spi.clk)
+                # self.specials += io.DDROutput(1, 0, spi.clk, self.clk.o)
+        self.comb += [
+                self.cd_sys.rst.eq(self.jtag.sel & self.jtag.capture),
+                self.cd_sys.clk.eq(self.jtag.tck),
+                self.cs_n.oe.eq(self.jtag.sel),
+                self.clk.oe.eq(self.jtag.sel),
+                self.mosi.oe.eq(self.jtag.sel),
+                self.miso.oe.eq(0),
+                # Do not suppress CLK toggles outside CS_N asserted.
+                # Xilinx USRCCLK0 requires three dummy cycles to do anything
+                # https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/52626.html
+                # This is fine since CS_N changes only on falling CLK.
+                self.clk.o.eq(~self.jtag.tck),
+                self.jtag.tdo.eq(self.miso.i),
+        ]
+        # Latency calculation (in half cycles):
+        # 0 (falling TCK, rising CLK):
+        #   JTAG adapter: set TDI
+        # 1 (rising TCK, falling CLK):
+        #   JTAG2SPI: sample TDI -> set MOSI
+        #   SPI: set MISO
+        # 2 (falling TCK, rising CLK):
+        #   SPI: sample MOSI
+        #   JTAG2SPI (BSCAN primitive): sample MISO -> set TDO
+        # 3 (rising TCK, falling CLK):
+        #   JTAG adapter: sample TDO
+        self.fsm.act("IDLE",
+                mg.If(self.jtag.tdi & self.jtag.sel & self.jtag.shift,
+                    mg.NextState("HEAD")
+                )
+        )
+        self.fsm.act("HEAD",
+                mg.If(head == 0,
+                    mg.NextState("XFER")
+                )
+        )
+        self.fsm.act("XFER",
+                mg.If(bits == 0,
+                    mg.NextState("IDLE")
+                ),
+        )
+        self.sync += [
+                self.mosi.o.eq(self.jtag.tdi),
+                self.cs_n.o.eq(~self.fsm.ongoing("XFER")),
+                mg.If(self.fsm.ongoing("HEAD"),
+                    bits.eq(mg.Cat(self.jtag.tdi, bits)),
+                    head.eq(head - 1)
+                ),
+                mg.If(self.fsm.ongoing("XFER"),
+                    bits.eq(bits - 1)
+                )
+        ]
+class JTAG2SPITest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.bits = 8
+        self.dut = JTAG2SPI(bits=self.bits)
+    def test_instantiate(self):
+        pass
+    def test_initial_conditions(self):
+        def check():
+            yield
+            self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.cs_n.oe), 0)
+            self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.mosi.oe), 0)
+            self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.miso.oe), 0)
+            self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.clk.oe), 0)
+        mg.run_simulation(self.dut, check())
+    def test_enable(self):
+        def check():
+            yield self.dut.jtag.sel.eq(1)
+            yield self.dut.jtag.shift.eq(1)
+            yield
+            self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.cs_n.oe), 1)
+            self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.mosi.oe), 1)
+            self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.miso.oe), 0)
+            self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.clk.oe), 1)
+        mg.run_simulation(self.dut, check())
+    def run_seq(self, tdi, tdo, spi=None):
+        yield self.dut.jtag.sel.eq(1)
+        yield
+        yield self.dut.jtag.shift.eq(1)
+        for di in tdi:
+            yield self.dut.jtag.tdi.eq(di)
+            yield
+            tdo.append((yield self.dut.jtag.tdo))
+            if spi is not None:
+                v = []
+                for k in "cs_n clk mosi miso".split():
+                    t = getattr(self.dut, k)
+                    v.append("{}>".format((yield t.o)) if (yield t.oe)
+                            else "<{}".format((yield t.i)))
+                spi.append(" ".join(v))
+        yield self.dut.jtag.sel.eq(0)
+        yield
+        yield self.dut.jtag.shift.eq(0)
+        yield
+    def test_shift(self):
+        bits = 8
+        data = 0x81
+        tdi = [0, 0, 1]  # dummy from BYPASS TAPs and marker
+        tdi += [((bits - 1) >> j) & 1 for j in range(self.bits - 1, -1, -1)]
+        tdi += [(data >> j) & 1 for j in range(bits)]
+        tdi += [0, 0, 0, 0]  # dummy from BYPASS TAPs
+        tdo = []
+        spi = []
+        mg.run_simulation(self.dut, self.run_seq(tdi, tdo, spi))
+        # print(tdo)
+        for l in spi:
+            print(l)
+class Spartan3(mg.Module):
     macro = "BSCAN_SPARTAN3"
+    toolchain = "ise"
     def __init__(self, platform):
-        self.clock_domains.cd_jtag = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
-        spi = platform.request("spiflash")
-        shift = Signal()
-        tdo = Signal()
-        sel1 = Signal()
-        self.comb += [
-            self.cd_jtag.clk.eq(spi.clk),
-            spi.cs_n.eq(~shift | ~sel1),
+        platform.toolchain.bitgen_opt += " -g compress -g UnusedPin:Pullup"
+        self.submodules.j2s = j2s = JTAG2SPI(platform.request("spiflash"))
+        self.specials += [
+                mg.Instance(
+                    self.macro,
+                    o_SHIFT=j2s.jtag.shift, o_SEL1=j2s.jtag.sel,
+                    o_CAPTURE=j2s.jtag.capture,
+                    o_DRCK1=j2s.jtag.tck,
+                    o_TDI=j2s.jtag.tdi, i_TDO1=j2s.jtag.tdo,
+                    i_TDO2=0),
-        self.sync.jtag += tdo.eq(spi.miso)
-        self.specials += Instance(self.macro,
-                                  o_DRCK1=spi.clk, o_SHIFT=shift,
-                                  o_TDI=spi.mosi, i_TDO1=tdo, i_TDO2=0,
-                                  o_SEL1=sel1)
+        platform.add_period_constraint(j2s.jtag.tck, 6)
 class Spartan3A(Spartan3):
     macro = "BSCAN_SPARTAN3A"
-class Spartan6(Module):
+class Spartan6(mg.Module):
+    toolchain = "ise"
     def __init__(self, platform):
-        self.clock_domains.cd_jtag = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
-        spi = platform.request("spiflash")
-        shift = Signal()
-        tdo = Signal()
-        sel = Signal()
-        self.comb += self.cd_jtag.clk.eq(spi.clk), spi.cs_n.eq(~shift | ~sel)
-        self.sync.jtag += tdo.eq(spi.miso)
-        self.specials += Instance("BSCAN_SPARTAN6", p_JTAG_CHAIN=1,
-                                  o_TCK=spi.clk, o_SHIFT=shift, o_SEL=sel,
-                                  o_TDI=spi.mosi, i_TDO=tdo)
-class Series7(Module):
+        platform.toolchain.bitgen_opt += " -g compress -g UnusedPin:Pullup"
+        self.submodules.j2s = j2s = JTAG2SPI(platform.request("spiflash"))
+        # clk = mg.Signal()
+        self.specials += [
+                mg.Instance(
+                    "BSCAN_SPARTAN6", p_JTAG_CHAIN=1,
+                    o_SHIFT=j2s.jtag.shift, o_SEL=j2s.jtag.sel,
+                    o_CAPTURE=j2s.jtag.capture,
+                    o_DRCK=j2s.jtag.tck,
+                    o_TDI=j2s.jtag.tdi, i_TDO=j2s.jtag.tdo),
+                # mg.Instance("BUFG", i_I=clk, o_O=j2s.jtag.tck)
+        ]
+        platform.add_period_constraint(j2s.jtag.tck, 6)
+class Series7(mg.Module):
+    toolchain = "vivado"
     def __init__(self, platform):
-        self.clock_domains.cd_jtag = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
-        spi = platform.request("spiflash")
-        clk = Signal()
-        shift = Signal()
-        tdo = Signal()
-        sel = Signal()
-        self.comb += self.cd_jtag.clk.eq(clk), spi.cs_n.eq(~shift | ~sel)
-        self.sync.jtag += tdo.eq(spi.miso)
-        self.specials += Instance("BSCANE2", p_JTAG_CHAIN=1,
-                                  o_SHIFT=shift, o_TCK=clk, o_SEL=sel,
-                                  o_TDI=spi.mosi, i_TDO=tdo)
-        self.specials += Instance("STARTUPE2", i_CLK=0, i_GSR=0, i_GTS=0,
-                                  i_KEYCLEARB=0, i_PACK=1, i_USRCCLKO=clk,
-                                  i_USRCCLKTS=0, i_USRDONEO=1, i_USRDONETS=1)
-class XilinxBscanSpi(XilinxPlatform):
+        platform.toolchain.bitstream_commands.extend([
+            "set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.COMPRESS True [current_design]",
+            "set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.UNUSEDPIN Pullnone [current_design]"
+        ])
+        self.submodules.j2s = j2s = JTAG2SPI(platform.request("spiflash"))
+        # clk = mg.Signal()
+        self.specials += [
+                mg.Instance(
+                    "BSCANE2", p_JTAG_CHAIN=1,
+                    o_SHIFT=j2s.jtag.shift, o_SEL=j2s.jtag.sel,
+                    o_CAPTURE=j2s.jtag.capture,
+                    o_DRCK=j2s.jtag.tck,
+                    o_TDI=j2s.jtag.tdi, i_TDO=j2s.jtag.tdo),
+                mg.Instance(
+                    "STARTUPE2", i_CLK=0, i_GSR=0, i_GTS=0,
+                    i_KEYCLEARB=0, i_PACK=1,
+                    i_USRCCLKO=j2s.clk.o, i_USRCCLKTS=~j2s.clk.oe,
+                    i_USRDONEO=1, i_USRDONETS=1),
+                # mg.Instance("BUFG", i_I=clk, o_O=j2s.jtag.tck)
+        ]
+        platform.add_period_constraint(j2s.jtag.tck, 6)
+        try:
+            self.comb += [
+                    platform.request("user_sma_gpio_p").eq(j2s.cs_n.i),
+                    platform.request("user_sma_gpio_n").eq(j2s.clk.o),
+                    platform.request("user_sma_clock_p").eq(j2s.mosi.o),
+                    platform.request("user_sma_clock_n").eq(j2s.miso.i),
+            ]
+        except mb.ConstraintError:
+            pass
+class Ultrascale(mg.Module):
+    toolchain = "vivado"
+    def __init__(self, platform):
+        platform.toolchain.bitstream_commands.extend([
+            "set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.COMPRESS True [current_design]",
+            "set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.UNUSEDPIN Pullnone [current_design]",
+        ])
+        self.submodules.j2s0 = j2s0 = JTAG2SPI()
+        self.submodules.j2s1 = j2s1 = JTAG2SPI(platform.request("spiflash"))
+        di = mg.Signal(4)
+        self.comb += mg.Cat(j2s0.mosi.i, j2s0.miso.i).eq(di)
+        self.specials += [
+                mg.Instance("BSCANE2", p_JTAG_CHAIN=1,
+                    o_SHIFT=j2s0.jtag.shift, o_SEL=j2s0.jtag.sel,
+                    o_CAPTURE=j2s0.jtag.capture,
+                    o_DRCK=j2s0.jtag.tck,
+                    o_TDI=j2s0.jtag.tdi, i_TDO=j2s0.jtag.tdo),
+                mg.Instance("BSCANE2", p_JTAG_CHAIN=2,
+                    o_SHIFT=j2s1.jtag.shift, o_SEL=j2s1.jtag.sel,
+                    o_CAPTURE=j2s1.jtag.capture,
+                    o_DRCK=j2s1.jtag.tck,
+                    o_TDI=j2s1.jtag.tdi, i_TDO=j2s1.jtag.tdo),
+                mg.Instance("STARTUPE3", i_GSR=0, i_GTS=0,
+                    i_KEYCLEARB=0, i_PACK=1,
+                    i_USRDONEO=1, i_USRDONETS=1,
+                    i_USRCCLKO=mg.Mux(j2s0.clk.oe, j2s0.clk.o, j2s1.clk.o),
+                    i_USRCCLKTS=~(j2s0.clk.oe | j2s1.clk.oe),
+                    i_FCSBO=j2s0.cs_n.o, i_FCSBTS=~j2s0.cs_n.oe,
+                    o_DI=di,
+                    i_DO=mg.Cat(j2s0.mosi.o, j2s0.miso.o, 0, 0),
+                    i_DTS=mg.Cat(~j2s0.mosi.oe, ~j2s0.miso.oe, 1, 1))
+        ]
+        platform.add_period_constraint(j2s0.jtag.tck, 6)
+        platform.add_period_constraint(j2s1.jtag.tck, 6)
+class XilinxBscanSpi(xilinx.XilinxPlatform):
+    packages = {
+        # (package-speedgrade, id): [cs_n, clk, mosi, miso, *pullups]
+        ("cp132", 1): ["M2", "N12", "N2", "N8"],
+        ("fg320", 1): ["U3", "U16", "T4", "N10"],
+        ("fg320", 2): ["V3", "U16", "T11", "V16"],
+        ("fg484", 1): ["Y4", "AA20", "AB14", "AB20"],
+        ("fgg484", 1): ["Y4", "AA20", "AB14", "AB20"],
+        ("fgg400", 1): ["Y2", "Y19", "W12", "W18"],
+        ("ftg256", 1): ["T2", "R14", "P10", "T14"],
+        ("ft256", 1): ["T2", "R14", "P10", "T14"],
+        ("fg400", 1): ["Y2", "Y19", "W12", "W18"],
+        ("cs484", 1): ["U7", "V17", "V13", "W17"],
+        ("qg144-2", 1): ["P38", "P70", "P64", "P65", "P62", "P61"],
+        ("cpg196-2", 1): ["P2", "N13", "P11", "N11", "N10", "P10"],
+        ("cpg236-1", 1): ["K19", None, "D18", "D19", "G18", "F18"],
+        ("csg484-2", 1): ["AB5", "W17", "AB17", "Y17", "V13", "W13"],
+        ("csg324-2", 1): ["V3", "R15", "T13", "R13", "T14", "V14"],
+        ("csg324-1", 1): ["L13", None, "K17", "K18", "L14", "M14"],
+        ("fbg484-1", 1): ["T19", None, "P22", "R22", "P21", "R21"],
+        ("fbg484-1", 2): ["L16", None, "H18", "H19", "G18", "F19"],
+        ("fbg676-1", 1): ["C23", None, "B24", "A25", "B22", "A22"],
+        ("ffg901-1", 1): ["V26", None, "R30", "T30", "R28", "T28"],
+        ("ffg900-1", 1): ["U19", None, "P24", "R25", "R20", "R21"],
+        ("ffg1156-1", 1): ["V30", None, "AA33", "AA34", "Y33", "Y34"],
+        ("ffg1157-1", 1): ["AL33", None, "AN33", "AN34", "AK34", "AL34"],
+        ("ffg1158-1", 1): ["C24", None, "A23", "A24", "B26", "A26"],
+        ("ffg1926-1", 1): ["AK33", None, "AN34", "AN35", "AJ34", "AK34"],
+        ("fhg1761-1", 1): ["AL36", None, "AM36", "AN36", "AJ36", "AJ37"],
+        ("flg1155-1", 1): ["AL28", None, "AE28", "AF28", "AJ29", "AJ30"],
+        ("flg1932-1", 1): ["V32", None, "T33", "R33", "U31", "T31"],
+        ("flg1926-1", 1): ["AK33", None, "AN34", "AN35", "AJ34", "AK34"],
+        ("ffva1156-2-e", 1): ["G26", None, "M20", "L20", "R21", "R22"],
+        ("ffva1156-2-e", "sayma"): ["K21", None, "M20", "L20", "R21", "R22"],
+    }
     pinouts = {
         # bitstreams are named by die, package does not matter, speed grade
         # should not matter.
-        #                    cs_n, clk, mosi, miso, *pullups
-        "xc3s100e": ("cp132",
-            ["M2", "N12", "N2", "N8"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
-        "xc3s1200e": ("fg320",
-            ["U3", "U16", "T4", "N10"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
-        "xc3s1400a": ("fg484",
-            ["Y4", "AA20", "AB14", "AB20"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3s1400an": ("fgg484",
-            ["Y4", "AA20", "AB14", "AB20"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3s1600e": ("fg320",
-            ["U3", "U16", "T4", "N10"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
-        "xc3s200a": ("fg320",
-            ["V3", "U16", "T11", "V16"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3s200an": ("ftg256",
-            ["T2", "R14", "P10", "T14"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3s250e": ("cp132",
-            ["M2", "N12", "N2", "N8"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
-        "xc3s400a": ("fg320",
-            ["V3", "U16", "T11", "V16"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3s400an": ("fgg400",
-            ["Y2", "Y19", "W12", "W18"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3s500e": ("cp132",
-            ["M2", "N12", "N2", "N8"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
-        "xc3s50a": ("ft256",
-            ["T2", "R14", "P10", "T14"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3s50an": ("ftg256",
-            ["T2", "R14", "P10", "T14"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3s700a": ("fg400",
-            ["Y2", "Y19", "W12", "W18"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3s700an": ("fgg484",
-            ["Y4", "AA20", "AB14", "AB20"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3sd1800a": ("cs484",
-            ["U7", "V17", "V13", "W17"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc3sd3400a": ("cs484",
-            ["U7", "V17", "V13", "W17"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
-        "xc6slx100": ("csg484-2",
-            ["AB5", "W17", "AB17", "Y17", "V13", "W13"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx100t": ("csg484-2",
-            ["AB5", "W17", "AB17", "Y17", "V13", "W13"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx150": ("csg484-2",
-            ["AB5", "W17", "AB17", "Y17", "V13", "W13"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx150t": ("csg484-2",
-            ["AB5", "W17", "AB17", "Y17", "V13", "W13"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx16": ("cpg196-2",
-            ["P2", "N13", "P11", "N11", "N10", "P10"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx25": ("csg324-2",
-            ["V3", "R15", "T13", "R13", "T14", "V14"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx25t": ("csg324-2",
-            ["V3", "R15", "T13", "R13", "T14", "V14"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx45": ("csg324-2",
-            ["V3", "R15", "T13", "R13", "T14", "V14"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx45t": ("csg324-2",
-            ["V3", "R15", "T13", "R13", "T14", "V14"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx4": ("cpg196-2",
-            ["P2", "N13", "P11", "N11", "N10", "P10"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx4t": ("qg144-2",
-            ["P38", "P70", "P64", "P65", "P62", "P61"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx75": ("csg484-2",
-            ["AB5", "W17", "AB17", "Y17", "V13", "W13"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx75t": ("csg484-2",
-            ["AB5", "W17", "AB17", "Y17", "V13", "W13"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx9": ("cpg196-2",
-            ["P2", "N13", "P11", "N11", "N10", "P10"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc6slx9t": ("qg144-2",
-            ["P38", "P70", "P64", "P65", "P62", "P61"],
-            "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
-        "xc7a100t": ("csg324-1",
-            ["L13", None, "K17", "K18", "L14", "M14"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7a15t": ("cpg236-1",
-            ["K19", None, "D18", "D19", "G18", "F18"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7a200t": ("fbg484-1",
-            ["T19", None, "P22", "R22", "P21", "R21"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7a35t": ("cpg236-1",
-            ["K19", None, "D18", "D19", "G18", "F18"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7a50t": ("cpg236-1",
-            ["K19", None, "D18", "D19", "G18", "F18"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7a75t": ("csg324-1",
-            ["L13", None, "K17", "K18", "L14", "M14"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7k160t": ("fbg484-1",
-            ["L16", None, "H18", "H19", "G18", "F19"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7k325t": ("fbg676-1",
-            ["C23", None, "B24", "A25", "B22", "A22"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7k355t": ("ffg901-1",
-            ["V26", None, "R30", "T30", "R28", "T28"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7k410t": ("fbg676-1",
-            ["C23", None, "B24", "A25", "B22", "A22"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7k420t": ("ffg1156-1",
-            ["V30", None, "AA33", "AA34", "Y33", "Y34"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7k480t": ("ffg1156-1",
-            ["V30", None, "AA33", "AA34", "Y33", "Y34"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7k70t": ("fbg484-1",
-            ["L16", None, "H18", "H19", "G18", "F19"],
-            "LVCMOS25", Series7),
-        "xc7v2000t": ("fhg1761-1",
-            ["AL36", None, "AM36", "AN36", "AJ36", "AJ37"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7v585t": ("ffg1157-1",
-            ["AL33", None, "AN33", "AN34", "AK34", "AL34"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7vh580t": ("flg1155-1",
-            ["AL28", None, "AE28", "AF28", "AJ29", "AJ30"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7vh870t": ("flg1932-1",
-            ["V32", None, "T33", "R33", "U31", "T31"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7vx1140t": ("flg1926-1",
-            ["AK33", None, "AN34", "AN35", "AJ34", "AK34"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7vx330t": ("ffg1157-1",
-            ["AL33", None, "AN33", "AN34", "AK34", "AL34"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7vx415t": ("ffg1157-1",
-            ["AL33", None, "AN33", "AN34", "AK34", "AL34"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7vx485t": ("ffg1157-1",
-            ["AL33", None, "AN33", "AN34", "AK34", "AL34"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7vx550t": ("ffg1158-1",
-            ["C24", None, "A23", "A24", "B26", "A26"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7vx690t": ("ffg1157-1",
-            ["AL33", None, "AN33", "AN34", "AK34", "AL34"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
-        "xc7vx980t": ("ffg1926-1",
-            ["AK33", None, "AN34", "AN35", "AJ34", "AK34"],
-            "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        #
+        # chip: (package, id, standard, class)
+        "xc3s100e": ("cp132", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
+        "xc3s1200e": ("fg320", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
+        "xc3s1400a": ("fg484", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3s1400an": ("fgg484", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3s1600e": ("fg320", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
+        "xc3s200a": ("fg320", 2, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3s200an": ("ftg256", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3s250e": ("cp132", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
+        "xc3s400a": ("fg320", 2, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3s400an": ("fgg400", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3s500e": ("cp132", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3),
+        "xc3s50a": ("ft256", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3s50an": ("ftg256", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3s700a": ("fg400", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3s700an": ("fgg484", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3sd1800a": ("cs484", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc3sd3400a": ("cs484", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan3A),
+        "xc6slx100": ("csg484-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx100t": ("csg484-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx150": ("csg484-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx150t": ("csg484-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx16": ("cpg196-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx25": ("csg324-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx25t": ("csg324-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx45": ("csg324-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx45t": ("csg324-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx4": ("cpg196-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx4t": ("qg144-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx75": ("csg484-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx75t": ("csg484-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx9": ("cpg196-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc6slx9t": ("qg144-2", 1, "LVCMOS33", Spartan6),
+        "xc7a100t": ("csg324-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7a15t": ("cpg236-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7a200t": ("fbg484-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7a35t": ("cpg236-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7a50t": ("cpg236-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7a75t": ("csg324-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7k160t": ("fbg484-1", 2, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7k325t": ("fbg676-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7k325t-debug": ("ffg900-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7k355t": ("ffg901-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7k410t": ("fbg676-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7k420t": ("ffg1156-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7k480t": ("ffg1156-1", 1, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7k70t": ("fbg484-1", 2, "LVCMOS25", Series7),
+        "xc7v2000t": ("fhg1761-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7v585t": ("ffg1157-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7vh580t": ("flg1155-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7vh870t": ("flg1932-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7vx1140t": ("flg1926-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7vx330t": ("ffg1157-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7vx415t": ("ffg1157-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7vx485t": ("ffg1157-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7vx550t": ("ffg1158-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7vx690t": ("ffg1157-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xc7vx980t": ("ffg1926-1", 1, "LVCMOS18", Series7),
+        "xcku040": ("ffva1156-2-e", 1, "LVCMOS18", Ultrascale),
+        "xcku040-sayma": ("ffva1156-2-e", "sayma", "LVCMOS18", Ultrascale),
-    def __init__(self, device, pins, std):
+    def __init__(self, device, pins, std, toolchain="ise"):
+        ios = [self.make_spi(0, pins, std, toolchain)]
+        if device == "xc7k325t-ffg900-1":  # debug
+            ios += [
+                ("user_sma_clock_p", 0, mb.Pins("L25"), mb.IOStandard("LVCMOS25")),
+                ("user_sma_clock_n", 0, mb.Pins("K25"), mb.IOStandard("LVCMOS25")),
+                ("user_sma_gpio_p", 0, mb.Pins("Y23"), mb.IOStandard("LVCMOS25")),
+                ("user_sma_gpio_n", 0, mb.Pins("Y24"), mb.IOStandard("LVCMOS25")),
+            ]
+        xilinx.XilinxPlatform.__init__(self, device, ios, toolchain=toolchain)
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_spi(i, pins, std, toolchain):
+        pu = "PULLUP" if toolchain == "ise" else "PULLUP TRUE"
+        pd = "PULLDOWN" if toolchain == "ise" else "PULLDOWN TRUE"
         cs_n, clk, mosi, miso = pins[:4]
-        io = ["spiflash", 0,
-              Subsignal("cs_n", Pins(cs_n)),
-              Subsignal("mosi", Pins(mosi)),
-              Subsignal("miso", Pins(miso), Misc("PULLUP")),
-              IOStandard(std),
-              ]
+        io = ["spiflash", i,
+            mb.Subsignal("cs_n", mb.Pins(cs_n), mb.Misc(pu)),
+            mb.Subsignal("mosi", mb.Pins(mosi), mb.Misc(pu)),
+            mb.Subsignal("miso", mb.Pins(miso), mb.Misc(pu)),
+            mb.IOStandard(std),
+            ]
         if clk:
-            io.append(Subsignal("clk", Pins(clk)))
+            io.append(mb.Subsignal("clk", mb.Pins(clk), mb.Misc(pd)))
         for i, p in enumerate(pins[4:]):
-            io.append(Subsignal("pullup{}".format(i), Pins(p), Misc("PULLUP")))
-        XilinxPlatform.__init__(self, device, [io])
-        if isinstance(self.toolchain, XilinxVivadoToolchain):
-            self.toolchain.bitstream_commands.append(
-                "set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.COMPRESS True [current_design]"
-            )
-        elif isinstance(self.toolchain, XilinxISEToolchain):
-            self.toolchain.bitgen_opt += " -g compress"
+            io.append(mb.Subsignal("pullup{}".format(i), mb.Pins(p),
+                                mb.Misc(pu)))
+        return io
-    def make(cls, device, errors=False):
-        pkg, pins, std, Top = cls.pinouts[device]
-        platform = cls("{}-{}".format(device, pkg), pins, std)
+    def make(cls, target, errors=False):
+        pkg, id, std, Top = cls.pinouts[target]
+        pins = cls.packages[(pkg, id)]
+        device = target.split("-", 1)[0]
+        platform = cls("{}-{}".format(device, pkg), pins, std, Top.toolchain)
         top = Top(platform)
-        name = "bscan_spi_{}".format(device)
-        dir = "build_{}".format(device)
+        name = "bscan_spi_{}".format(target)
-            platform.build(top, build_name=name, build_dir=dir)
+            platform.build(top, build_name=name)
         except Exception as e:
-            print("ERROR: build failed for {}: {}".format(device, e))
+            print(("ERROR: xilinx_bscan_spi build failed "
+                  "for {}: {}").format(target, e))
             if errors:

Linking to existing account procedure

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SSH host keys fingerprints

1024 SHA256:YKx8b7u5ZWdcbp7/4AeXNaqElP49m6QrwfXaqQGJAOk gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (DSA)
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+--[ED25519 256]--+
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2048 SHA256:0Onrb7/PHjpo6iVZ7xQX2riKN83FJ3KGU0TvI0TaFG4 gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (RSA)