flash Kinetis: add KE1xZ and KE1xF families
[openocd.git] / src / flash / nor / kinetis.c
index 26135222ca6f0ab6ed884e14d2d532aab0617dbe..86d3154c56aaccce6dd10fd85287522af4f97825 100644 (file)
@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
- *   Copyright (C) 2011 by Mathias Kuester                                  *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2011 by Mathias Kuester                                 *
  *   kesmtp@freenet.de                                                     *
  *                                                                         *
  *   kesmtp@freenet.de                                                     *
  *                                                                         *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2011 sleep(5) ltd                                       *
+ *   tomas@sleepfive.com                                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2012 by Christopher D. Kilgour                          *
+ *   techie at whiterocker.com                                             *
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2013 Nemui Trinomius                                    *
+ *   nemuisan_kawausogasuki@live.jp                                        *
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2015 Tomas Vanek                                        *
+ *   vanekt@fbl.cz                                                         *
+ *                                                                         *
  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
  *                                                                         *
  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
  *                                                                         *
  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
- *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
- *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
- *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
 #include "config.h"
 #include "config.h"
+#include "jtag/interface.h"
 #include "imp.h"
 #include "imp.h"
-#include "helper/binarybuffer.h"
+#include <helper/binarybuffer.h>
+#include <helper/time_support.h>
+#include <target/target_type.h>
+#include <target/algorithm.h>
+#include <target/armv7m.h>
+#include <target/cortex_m.h>
+ * Implementation Notes
+ *
+ * The persistent memories in the Kinetis chip families K10 through
+ * K70 are all manipulated with the Flash Memory Module.  Some
+ * variants call this module the FTFE, others call it the FTFL.  To
+ * indicate that both are considered here, we use FTFX.
+ *
+ * Within the module, according to the chip variant, the persistent
+ * memory is divided into what Freescale terms Program Flash, FlexNVM,
+ * and FlexRAM.  All chip variants have Program Flash.  Some chip
+ * variants also have FlexNVM and FlexRAM, which always appear
+ * together.
+ *
+ * A given Kinetis chip may have 1, 2 or 4 blocks of flash.  Here we map
+ * each block to a separate bank.  Each block size varies by chip and
+ * may be determined by the read-only SIM_FCFG1 register.  The sector
+ * size within each bank/block varies by chip, and may be 1, 2 or 4k.
+ * The sector size may be different for flash and FlexNVM.
+ *
+ * The first half of the flash (1 or 2 blocks) is always Program Flash
+ * and always starts at address 0x00000000.  The "PFLSH" flag, bit 23
+ * of the read-only SIM_FCFG2 register, determines whether the second
+ * half of the flash is also Program Flash or FlexNVM+FlexRAM.  When
+ * PFLSH is set, the second from the first half.  When PFLSH is clear,
+ * the second half of flash is FlexNVM and always starts at address
+ * 0x10000000.  FlexRAM, which is also present when PFLSH is clear,
+ * always starts at address 0x14000000.
+ *
+ * The Flash Memory Module provides a register set where flash
+ * commands are loaded to perform flash operations like erase and
+ * program.  Different commands are available depending on whether
+ * Program Flash or FlexNVM/FlexRAM is being manipulated.  Although
+ * the commands used are quite consistent between flash blocks, the
+ * parameters they accept differ according to the flash sector size.
+ *
+ */
+/* Addressess */
+#define FCF_ADDRESS    0x00000400
+#define FCF_FPROT      0x8
+#define FCF_FSEC       0xc
+#define FCF_FOPT       0xd
+#define FCF_FDPROT     0xf
+#define FCF_SIZE       0x10
+#define FLEXRAM                0x14000000
+#define MSCM_OCMDR0    0x40001400
+#define FMC_PFB01CR    0x4001f004
+#define FTFx_FSTAT     0x40020000
+#define FTFx_FCNFG     0x40020001
+#define FTFx_FCCOB3    0x40020004
+#define FTFx_FPROT3    0x40020010
+#define FTFx_FDPROT    0x40020017
+#define SIM_SDID       0x40048024
+#define SIM_SOPT1      0x40047000
+#define SIM_FCFG1      0x4004804c
+#define SIM_FCFG2      0x40048050
+#define WDOG_STCTRH    0x40052000
+#define SMC_PMCTRL     0x4007E001
+#define SMC_PMSTAT     0x4007E003
+#define MCM_PLACR      0xF000300C
+/* Values */
+#define PM_STAT_RUN            0x01
+#define PM_STAT_VLPR           0x04
+#define PM_CTRL_RUNM_RUN       0x00
+/* Commands */
+#define FTFx_CMD_BLOCKSTAT  0x00
+#define FTFx_CMD_SECTSTAT   0x01
+#define FTFx_CMD_LWORDPROG  0x06
+#define FTFx_CMD_SECTERASE  0x09
+#define FTFx_CMD_SECTWRITE  0x0b
+#define FTFx_CMD_MASSERASE  0x44
+#define FTFx_CMD_PGMPART    0x80
+#define FTFx_CMD_SETFLEXRAM 0x81
+/* The older Kinetis K series uses the following SDID layout :
+ * Bit 31-16 : 0
+ * Bit 15-12 : REVID
+ * Bit 11-7  : DIEID
+ * Bit 6-4   : FAMID
+ * Bit 3-0   : PINID
+ *
+ * The newer Kinetis series uses the following SDID layout :
+ * Bit 31-28 : FAMID
+ * Bit 27-24 : SUBFAMID
+ * Bit 23-20 : SERIESID
+ * Bit 19-16 : SRAMSIZE
+ * Bit 15-12 : REVID
+ * Bit 6-4   : Reserved (0)
+ * Bit 3-0   : PINID
+ *
+ * We assume that if bits 31-16 are 0 then it's an older
+ * K-series MCU.
+ */
+#define KINETIS_SOPT1_RAMSIZE_MASK  0x0000F000
+#define KINETIS_SOPT1_RAMSIZE_K24FN1M 0x0000B000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_MASK 0x00000F80
+#define KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K22FN128    0x00000680 /* smaller pflash with FTFA */
+#define KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K22FN256    0x00000A80
+#define KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K22FN512    0x00000E80
+#define KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K24FN256    0x00000700
+#define KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K24FN1M     0x00000300 /* Detect Errata 7534 */
+/* We can't rely solely on the FAMID field to determine the MCU
+ * type since some FAMID values identify multiple MCUs with
+ * different flash sector sizes (K20 and K22 for instance).
+ * Therefore we combine it with the DIEID bits which may possibly
+ * break if Freescale bumps the DIEID for a particular MCU. */
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_TYPE_MASK 0x00000FF0
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K10_M50  0x00000000
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K10_M72  0x00000080
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K10_M100         0x00000100
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K10_M120         0x00000180
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K11              0x00000220
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K12              0x00000200
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K20_M50  0x00000010
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K20_M72  0x00000090
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K20_M100         0x00000110
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K20_M120         0x00000190
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K21_M50   0x00000230
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K21_M120         0x00000330
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K22_M50   0x00000210
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K22_M120         0x00000310
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K30_M72   0x000000A0
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K30_M100  0x00000120
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K40_M72   0x000000B0
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K40_M100  0x00000130
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K50_M72   0x000000E0
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K51_M72  0x000000F0
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K53              0x00000170
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K60_M100  0x00000140
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K60_M150  0x000001C0
+#define KINETIS_K_SDID_K70_M150  0x000001D0
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_K   0x00000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_KL   0x00100000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_KE   0x00200000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_KW   0x00500000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_KV   0x00600000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX0   0x00000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX1   0x01000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX2   0x02000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX3   0x03000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX4   0x04000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX5   0x05000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX6   0x06000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX7   0x07000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX8   0x08000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K0X   0x00000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K1X   0x10000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K2X   0x20000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K3X   0x30000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K4X   0x40000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K6X   0x60000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K7X   0x70000000
+#define KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K8X   0x80000000
+/* The field originally named DIEID has new name/meaning on KE1x */
+#define KINETIS_SDID_PROJECTID_KE1xF 0x00000080
+#define KINETIS_SDID_PROJECTID_KE1xZ 0x00000100
+struct kinetis_flash_bank {
+       bool probed;
+       uint32_t sector_size;
+       uint32_t max_flash_prog_size;
+       uint32_t protection_size;
+       uint32_t prog_base;             /* base address for FTFx operations */
+                                       /* same as bank->base for pflash, differs for FlexNVM */
+       uint32_t protection_block;      /* number of first protection block in this bank */
+       uint32_t sim_sdid;
+       uint32_t sim_fcfg1;
+       uint32_t sim_fcfg2;
+       enum {
+               FC_AUTO = 0,
+               FC_PFLASH,
+               FC_FLEX_NVM,
+               FC_FLEX_RAM,
+       } flash_class;
+       enum {
+               FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR = 1,
+               FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD = 2,
+               FS_PROGRAM_PHRASE = 4,          /* Unsupported */
+               FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K = 8,      /* using FMC->PFB0CR/PFB01CR */
+               FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_L = 0x10,   /* using MCM->PLACR */
+               FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_MSCM = 0x20,
+       } flash_support;
-static int kinetis_get_master_bank(struct flash_bank *bank,
-                                  struct flash_bank **master_bank)
-       *master_bank = get_flash_bank_by_name_noprobe(bank->name);
-       if (*master_bank == NULL) {
-               LOG_ERROR("master flash bank '%s' does not exist",
-                         (char *)bank->driver_priv);
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
+#define MDM_AP                 1
-       return ERROR_OK;
+#define MDM_REG_STAT           0x00
+#define MDM_REG_CTRL           0x04
+#define MDM_REG_ID             0xfc
-static int kinetis_update_bank_info(struct flash_bank *bank)
-       int result;
-       struct flash_bank *master_bank;
+#define MDM_STAT_FMEACK                (1<<0)
+#define MDM_STAT_FREADY                (1<<1)
+#define MDM_STAT_SYSSEC                (1<<2)
+#define MDM_STAT_SYSRES                (1<<3)
+#define MDM_STAT_FMEEN         (1<<5)
+#define MDM_STAT_BACKDOOREN    (1<<6)
+#define MDM_STAT_LPEN          (1<<7)
+#define MDM_STAT_VLPEN         (1<<8)
+#define MDM_STAT_LLSMODEXIT    (1<<9)
+#define MDM_STAT_VLLSXMODEXIT  (1<<10)
+#define MDM_STAT_CORE_HALTED   (1<<16)
+#define MDM_STAT_CORE_SLEEPDEEP        (1<<17)
+#define MDM_STAT_CORESLEEPING  (1<<18)
-       result = kinetis_get_master_bank(bank, &master_bank);
+#define MDM_CTRL_FMEIP         (1<<0)
+#define MDM_CTRL_DBG_DIS       (1<<1)
+#define MDM_CTRL_DBG_REQ       (1<<2)
+#define MDM_CTRL_SYS_RES_REQ   (1<<3)
+#define MDM_CTRL_CORE_HOLD_RES (1<<4)
+#define MDM_CTRL_VLLSX_DBG_REQ (1<<5)
+#define MDM_CTRL_VLLSX_DBG_ACK (1<<6)
+#define MDM_CTRL_VLLSX_STAT_ACK        (1<<7)
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
-       }
+#define MDM_ACCESS_TIMEOUT     500 /* msec */
-       /* update the info we do not have */
-       bank->size = master_bank->size;
-       bank->chip_width = master_bank->chip_width;
-       bank->bus_width = master_bank->bus_width;
-       bank->num_sectors = master_bank->num_sectors;
-       bank->sectors = master_bank->sectors;
-       return ERROR_OK;
+static bool allow_fcf_writes;
+static uint8_t fcf_fopt = 0xff;
+struct flash_driver kinetis_flash;
+static int kinetis_write_inner(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer,
+                       uint32_t offset, uint32_t count);
+static int kinetis_auto_probe(struct flash_bank *bank);
+static int kinetis_mdm_write_register(struct adiv5_dap *dap, unsigned reg, uint32_t value)
-       if (CMD_ARGC < 6) {
-               LOG_ERROR("incomplete flash_bank kinetis configuration %d",
-                         CMD_ARGC);
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+       int retval;
+       LOG_DEBUG("MDM_REG[0x%02x] <- %08" PRIX32, reg, value);
+       retval = dap_queue_ap_write(dap_ap(dap, MDM_AP), reg, value);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_DEBUG("MDM: failed to queue a write request");
+               return retval;
+       }
+       retval = dap_run(dap);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_DEBUG("MDM: dap_run failed");
+               return retval;
-       LOG_INFO("add flash_bank kinetis %s", bank->name);
        return ERROR_OK;
        return ERROR_OK;
-static int kinetis_protect(struct flash_bank *bank, int set, int first,
-                          int last)
+static int kinetis_mdm_read_register(struct adiv5_dap *dap, unsigned reg, uint32_t *result)
-       int result;
-       struct flash_bank *master_bank;
+       int retval;
-       result = kinetis_get_master_bank(bank, &master_bank);
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
+       retval = dap_queue_ap_read(dap_ap(dap, MDM_AP), reg, result);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_DEBUG("MDM: failed to queue a read request");
+               return retval;
-       LOG_WARNING("kinetis_protect not supported yet");
-       if (bank->target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
-               LOG_ERROR("Target not halted");
-               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
+       retval = dap_run(dap);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_DEBUG("MDM: dap_run failed");
+               return retval;
+       LOG_DEBUG("MDM_REG[0x%02x]: %08" PRIX32, reg, *result);
        return ERROR_OK;
        return ERROR_OK;
-static int kinetis_protect_check(struct flash_bank *bank)
+static int kinetis_mdm_poll_register(struct adiv5_dap *dap, unsigned reg,
+                       uint32_t mask, uint32_t value, uint32_t timeout_ms)
-       int result;
-       struct flash_bank *master_bank;
-       uint8_t buffer[4];
-       uint32_t fprot, psize, psec;
-       int i, b;
+       uint32_t val;
+       int retval;
+       int64_t ms_timeout = timeval_ms() + timeout_ms;
-       if (bank->target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
-               LOG_ERROR("Target not halted");
-               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
-       }
+       do {
+               retval = kinetis_mdm_read_register(dap, reg, &val);
+               if (retval != ERROR_OK || (val & mask) == value)
+                       return retval;
-       result = kinetis_get_master_bank(bank, &master_bank);
+               alive_sleep(1);
+       } while (timeval_ms() < ms_timeout);
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
+       LOG_DEBUG("MDM: polling timed out");
+       return ERROR_FAIL;
+ * This command can be used to break a watchdog reset loop when
+ * connecting to an unsecured target. Unlike other commands, halt will
+ * automatically retry as it does not know how far into the boot process
+ * it is when the command is called.
+ */
+       struct target *target = get_current_target(CMD_CTX);
+       struct cortex_m_common *cortex_m = target_to_cm(target);
+       struct adiv5_dap *dap = cortex_m->armv7m.arm.dap;
+       int retval;
+       int tries = 0;
+       uint32_t stat;
+       int64_t ms_timeout = timeval_ms() + MDM_ACCESS_TIMEOUT;
+       if (!dap) {
+               LOG_ERROR("Cannot perform halt with a high-level adapter");
+               return ERROR_FAIL;
-       /* read protection register FTFL_FPROT */
-       result = target_read_memory(bank->target, 0x40020010, 1, 4, buffer);
+       while (true) {
+               tries++;
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
+               kinetis_mdm_write_register(dap, MDM_REG_CTRL, MDM_CTRL_CORE_HOLD_RES);
+               alive_sleep(1);
+               retval = kinetis_mdm_read_register(dap, MDM_REG_STAT, &stat);
+               if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+                       LOG_DEBUG("MDM: failed to read MDM_REG_STAT");
+                       continue;
+               }
+               /* Repeat setting MDM_CTRL_CORE_HOLD_RES until system is out of
+                * reset with flash ready and without security
+                */
+               if ((stat & (MDM_STAT_FREADY | MDM_STAT_SYSSEC | MDM_STAT_SYSRES))
+                               == (MDM_STAT_FREADY | MDM_STAT_SYSRES))
+                       break;
+               if (timeval_ms() >= ms_timeout) {
+                       LOG_ERROR("MDM: halt timed out");
+                       return ERROR_FAIL;
+               }
-       fprot = target_buffer_get_u32(bank->target, buffer);
+       LOG_DEBUG("MDM: halt succeded after %d attempts.", tries);
-       /* every bit protect 1/32 of the full flash */
-       psize = bank->size / 32;
-       psec = 0;
-       b = 0;
+       target_poll(target);
+       /* enable polling in case kinetis_check_flash_security_status disabled it */
+       jtag_poll_set_enabled(true);
-       for (i = 0; i < bank->num_sectors; i++) {
-               if ((fprot >> b) & 1)
-                       bank->sectors[i].is_protected = 0;
-               else
-                       bank->sectors[i].is_protected = 1;
+       alive_sleep(100);
-               psec += bank->sectors[i].size;
+       target->reset_halt = true;
+       target->type->assert_reset(target);
-               if (psec >= psize) {
-                       psec = 0;
-                       b++;
-               }
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_write_register(dap, MDM_REG_CTRL, 0);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: failed to clear MDM_REG_CTRL");
+               return retval;
+       target->type->deassert_reset(target);
        return ERROR_OK;
        return ERROR_OK;
-static int kinetis_ftfl_command(struct flash_bank *bank, uint32_t w0,
-                               uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2)
-       uint8_t buffer[12];
-       int result, i;
-       /* wait for done */
-       for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
-               result =
-                   target_read_memory(bank->target, 0x40020000, 1, 1, buffer);
-               if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-                       return result;
-               }
+       struct target *target = get_current_target(CMD_CTX);
+       struct cortex_m_common *cortex_m = target_to_cm(target);
+       struct adiv5_dap *dap = cortex_m->armv7m.arm.dap;
+       int retval;
+       if (!dap) {
+               LOG_ERROR("Cannot perform reset with a high-level adapter");
+               return ERROR_FAIL;
+       }
-               if (buffer[0] & 0x80)
-                       break;
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_write_register(dap, MDM_REG_CTRL, MDM_CTRL_SYS_RES_REQ);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: failed to write MDM_REG_CTRL");
+               return retval;
+       }
-               buffer[0] = 0x00;
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_poll_register(dap, MDM_REG_STAT, MDM_STAT_SYSRES, 0, 500);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: failed to assert reset");
+               return retval;
-       if (buffer[0] != 0x80) {
-               /* reset error flags */
-               buffer[0] = 0x30;
-               result =
-                   target_write_memory(bank->target, 0x40020000, 1, 1, buffer);
-               if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-                       return result;
-               }
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_write_register(dap, MDM_REG_CTRL, 0);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: failed to clear MDM_REG_CTRL");
+               return retval;
-       target_buffer_set_u32(bank->target, buffer, w0);
-       target_buffer_set_u32(bank->target, buffer + 4, w1);
-       target_buffer_set_u32(bank->target, buffer + 8, w2);
+       return ERROR_OK;
-       result = target_write_memory(bank->target, 0x40020004, 4, 3, buffer);
+ * This function implements the procedure to mass erase the flash via
+ * SWD/JTAG on Kinetis K and L series of devices as it is described in
+ * AN4835 "Production Flash Programming Best Practices for Kinetis K-
+ * and L-series MCUs" Section 4.2.1. To prevent a watchdog reset loop,
+ * the core remains halted after this function completes as suggested
+ * by the application note.
+ */
+       struct target *target = get_current_target(CMD_CTX);
+       struct cortex_m_common *cortex_m = target_to_cm(target);
+       struct adiv5_dap *dap = cortex_m->armv7m.arm.dap;
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
+       if (!dap) {
+               LOG_ERROR("Cannot perform mass erase with a high-level adapter");
+               return ERROR_FAIL;
-       /* start command */
-       buffer[0] = 0x80;
-       result = target_write_memory(bank->target, 0x40020000, 1, 1, buffer);
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
+       int retval;
+       /*
+        * ... Power on the processor, or if power has already been
+        * applied, assert the RESET pin to reset the processor. For
+        * devices that do not have a RESET pin, write the System
+        * Reset Request bit in the MDM-AP control register after
+        * establishing communication...
+        */
+       /* assert SRST if configured */
+       bool has_srst = jtag_get_reset_config() & RESET_HAS_SRST;
+       if (has_srst)
+               adapter_assert_reset();
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_write_register(dap, MDM_REG_CTRL, MDM_CTRL_SYS_RES_REQ);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK && !has_srst) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: failed to assert reset");
+               goto deassert_reset_and_exit;
-       /* wait for done */
-       for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
-               result =
-                   target_read_memory(bank->target, 0x40020000, 1, 1, buffer);
+       /*
+        * ... Read the MDM-AP status register repeatedly and wait for
+        * stable conditions suitable for mass erase:
+        * - mass erase is enabled
+        * - flash is ready
+        * - reset is finished
+        *
+        * Mass erase is started as soon as all conditions are met in 32
+        * subsequent status reads.
+        *
+        * In case of not stable conditions (RESET/WDOG loop in secured device)
+        * the user is asked for manual pressing of RESET button
+        * as a last resort.
+        */
+       int cnt_mass_erase_disabled = 0;
+       int cnt_ready = 0;
+       int64_t ms_start = timeval_ms();
+       bool man_reset_requested = false;
+       do {
+               uint32_t stat = 0;
+               int64_t ms_elapsed = timeval_ms() - ms_start;
+               if (!man_reset_requested && ms_elapsed > 100) {
+                       LOG_INFO("MDM: Press RESET button now if possible.");
+                       man_reset_requested = true;
+               }
-               if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-                       return result;
+               if (ms_elapsed > 3000) {
+                       LOG_ERROR("MDM: waiting for mass erase conditions timed out.");
+                       LOG_INFO("Mass erase of a secured MCU is not possible without hardware reset.");
+                       LOG_INFO("Connect SRST, use 'reset_config srst_only' and retry.");
+                       goto deassert_reset_and_exit;
+               }
+               retval = kinetis_mdm_read_register(dap, MDM_REG_STAT, &stat);
+               if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+                       cnt_ready = 0;
+                       continue;
-               if (buffer[0] & 0x80)
-                       break;
+               if (!(stat & MDM_STAT_FMEEN)) {
+                       cnt_ready = 0;
+                       cnt_mass_erase_disabled++;
+                       if (cnt_mass_erase_disabled > 10) {
+                               LOG_ERROR("MDM: mass erase is disabled");
+                               goto deassert_reset_and_exit;
+                       }
+                       continue;
+               }
-               buffer[0] = 0x00;
+               if ((stat & (MDM_STAT_FREADY | MDM_STAT_SYSRES)) == MDM_STAT_FREADY)
+                       cnt_ready++;
+               else
+                       cnt_ready = 0;
+       } while (cnt_ready < 32);
+       /*
+        * ... Write the MDM-AP control register to set the Flash Mass
+        * Erase in Progress bit. This will start the mass erase
+        * process...
+        */
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_write_register(dap, MDM_REG_CTRL, MDM_CTRL_SYS_RES_REQ | MDM_CTRL_FMEIP);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: failed to start mass erase");
+               goto deassert_reset_and_exit;
-       if (buffer[0] != 0x80) {
-               LOG_ERROR
-                   ("ftfl command failed FSTAT: %02X W0: %08X W1: %08X W2: %08X",
-                    buffer[0], w0, w1, w2);
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+       /*
+        * ... Read the MDM-AP control register until the Flash Mass
+        * Erase in Progress bit clears...
+        * Data sheed defines erase time <3.6 sec/512kB flash block.
+        * The biggest device has 4 pflash blocks => timeout 16 sec.
+        */
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_poll_register(dap, MDM_REG_CTRL, MDM_CTRL_FMEIP, 0, 16000);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: mass erase timeout");
+               goto deassert_reset_and_exit;
-       return ERROR_OK;
+       target_poll(target);
+       /* enable polling in case kinetis_check_flash_security_status disabled it */
+       jtag_poll_set_enabled(true);
+       alive_sleep(100);
+       target->reset_halt = true;
+       target->type->assert_reset(target);
+       /*
+        * ... Negate the RESET signal or clear the System Reset Request
+        * bit in the MDM-AP control register.
+        */
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_write_register(dap, MDM_REG_CTRL, 0);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: failed to clear MDM_REG_CTRL");
+       target->type->deassert_reset(target);
+       return retval;
+       kinetis_mdm_write_register(dap, MDM_REG_CTRL, 0);
+       if (has_srst)
+               adapter_deassert_reset();
+       return retval;
-static int kinetis_erase(struct flash_bank *bank, int first, int last)
+static const uint32_t kinetis_known_mdm_ids[] = {
+       0x001C0000,     /* Kinetis-K Series */
+       0x001C0020,     /* Kinetis-L/M/V/E Series */
+ * This function implements the procedure to connect to
+ * SWD/JTAG on Kinetis K and L series of devices as it is described in
+ * AN4835 "Production Flash Programming Best Practices for Kinetis K-
+ * and L-series MCUs" Section 4.1.1
+ */
-       struct flash_bank *master_bank;
-       int result, i;
-       uint32_t w0 = 0, w1 = 0, w2 = 0;
+       struct target *target = get_current_target(CMD_CTX);
+       struct cortex_m_common *cortex_m = target_to_cm(target);
+       struct adiv5_dap *dap = cortex_m->armv7m.arm.dap;
-       if (bank->target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
-               LOG_ERROR("Target not halted");
-               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
+       if (!dap) {
+               LOG_WARNING("Cannot check flash security status with a high-level adapter");
+               return ERROR_OK;
-       result = kinetis_get_master_bank(bank, &master_bank);
+       if (!dap->ops)
+               return ERROR_OK;        /* too early to check, in JTAG mode ops may not be initialised */
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
-       }
+       uint32_t val;
+       int retval;
-       if ((first > bank->num_sectors) || (last > bank->num_sectors)) {
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+       /*
+        * ... The MDM-AP ID register can be read to verify that the
+        * connection is working correctly...
+        */
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_read_register(dap, MDM_REG_ID, &val);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: failed to read ID register");
+               return ERROR_OK;
-       for (i = first; i <= last; i++) {
-               /* set command and sector address */
-               w0 = (0x09 << 24) | bank->sectors[i].offset;
-               result = kinetis_ftfl_command(bank, w0, w1, w2);
+       if (val == 0)
+               return ERROR_OK;        /* dap not yet initialised */
-               if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-                       LOG_WARNING("erase sector %d failed", i);
-                       return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+       bool found = false;
+       for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(kinetis_known_mdm_ids); i++) {
+               if (val == kinetis_known_mdm_ids[i]) {
+                       found = true;
+                       break;
+       }
-               bank->sectors[i].is_erased = 1;
+       if (!found)
+               LOG_WARNING("MDM: unknown ID %08" PRIX32, val);
+       /*
+        * ... Read the System Security bit to determine if security is enabled.
+        * If System Security = 0, then proceed. If System Security = 1, then
+        * communication with the internals of the processor, including the
+        * flash, will not be possible without issuing a mass erase command or
+        * unsecuring the part through other means (backdoor key unlock)...
+        */
+       retval = kinetis_mdm_read_register(dap, MDM_REG_STAT, &val);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MDM: failed to read MDM_REG_STAT");
+               return ERROR_OK;
+       }
+       /*
+        * System Security bit is also active for short time during reset.
+        * If a MCU has blank flash and runs in RESET/WDOG loop,
+        * System Security bit is active most of time!
+        * We should observe Flash Ready bit and read status several times
+        * to avoid false detection of secured MCU
+        */
+       int secured_score = 0, flash_not_ready_score = 0;
+               uint32_t stats[32];
+               int i;
+               for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+                       stats[i] = MDM_STAT_FREADY;
+                       dap_queue_ap_read(dap_ap(dap, MDM_AP), MDM_REG_STAT, &stats[i]);
+               }
+               retval = dap_run(dap);
+               if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+                       LOG_DEBUG("MDM: dap_run failed when validating secured state");
+                       return ERROR_OK;
+               }
+               for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+                       if (stats[i] & MDM_STAT_SYSSEC)
+                               secured_score++;
+                       if (!(stats[i] & MDM_STAT_FREADY))
+                               flash_not_ready_score++;
+               }
-       if (first == 0) {
-               LOG_WARNING
-                   ("flash configuration field erased, please reset the device");
+       if (flash_not_ready_score <= 8 && secured_score > 24) {
+               jtag_poll_set_enabled(false);
+               LOG_WARNING("*********** ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! **********");
+               LOG_WARNING("****                                                          ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** Your Kinetis MCU is in secured state, which means that,  ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** with exception for very basic communication, JTAG/SWD    ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** interface will NOT work. In order to restore its         ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** functionality please issue 'kinetis mdm mass_erase'      ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** command, power cycle the MCU and restart OpenOCD.        ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("****                                                          ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("*********** ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! **********");
+       } else if (flash_not_ready_score > 24) {
+               jtag_poll_set_enabled(false);
+               LOG_WARNING("**** Your Kinetis MCU is probably locked-up in RESET/WDOG loop. ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** Common reason is a blank flash (at least a reset vector).  ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** Issue 'kinetis mdm halt' command or if SRST is connected   ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** and configured, use 'reset halt'                           ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** If MCU cannot be halted, it is likely secured and running  ****");
+               LOG_WARNING("**** in RESET/WDOG loop. Issue 'kinetis mdm mass_erase'         ****");
+       } else {
+               LOG_INFO("MDM: Chip is unsecured. Continuing.");
+               jtag_poll_set_enabled(true);
        return ERROR_OK;
        return ERROR_OK;
-static int kinetis_write(struct flash_bank *bank, uint8_t * buffer,
-                        uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
-       struct flash_bank *master_bank;
-       unsigned int i, result, fallback = 0;
-       uint8_t buf[8];
-       uint32_t wc, w0 = 0, w1 = 0, w2 = 0;
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *bank_info;
-       if (bank->target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
-               LOG_ERROR("Target not halted");
-               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
-       }
+       if (CMD_ARGC < 6)
+               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
-       result = kinetis_get_master_bank(bank, &master_bank);
+       LOG_INFO("add flash_bank kinetis %s", bank->name);
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
-       }
+       bank_info = malloc(sizeof(struct kinetis_flash_bank));
-       /* make flex ram available */
-       w0 = (0x81 << 24) | 0x00ff0000;
+       memset(bank_info, 0, sizeof(struct kinetis_flash_bank));
-       result = kinetis_ftfl_command(bank, w0, w1, w2);
+       bank->driver_priv = bank_info;
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
+       return ERROR_OK;
-       /* check if ram ready */
-       result = target_read_memory(bank->target, 0x40020001, 1, 1, buf);
+/* Disable the watchdog on Kinetis devices */
+int kinetis_disable_wdog(struct target *target, uint32_t sim_sdid)
+       struct working_area *wdog_algorithm;
+       struct armv7m_algorithm armv7m_info;
+       uint16_t wdog;
+       int retval;
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
+       static const uint8_t kinetis_unlock_wdog_code[] = {
+#include "../../../contrib/loaders/watchdog/armv7m_kinetis_wdog.inc"
+       };
+       /* Decide whether the connected device needs watchdog disabling.
+        * Disable for all Kx and KVx devices, return if it is a KLx */
+               return ERROR_OK;
+       /* The connected device requires watchdog disabling. */
+       retval = target_read_u16(target, WDOG_STCTRH, &wdog);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+               return retval;
+       if ((wdog & 0x1) == 0) {
+               /* watchdog already disabled */
+               return ERROR_OK;
+       LOG_INFO("Disabling Kinetis watchdog (initial WDOG_STCTRLH = 0x%x)", wdog);
-       if (!(buf[0] & (1 << 1))) {
-               /* fallback to longword write */
-               fallback = 1;
+       if (target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
+               LOG_ERROR("Target not halted");
+               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
+       }
-               LOG_WARNING
-                   ("ram not ready, fallback to slow longword write (FCNFG: %02X)",
-                    buf[0]);
+       retval = target_alloc_working_area(target, sizeof(kinetis_unlock_wdog_code), &wdog_algorithm);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+               return retval;
+       retval = target_write_buffer(target, wdog_algorithm->address,
+                       sizeof(kinetis_unlock_wdog_code), (uint8_t *)kinetis_unlock_wdog_code);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
+               target_free_working_area(target, wdog_algorithm);
+               return retval;
-       /* program section command */
-       if (fallback == 0) {
-               for (i = 0; i < count; i += (2 * 1024)) {
-                       wc = 512;
+       armv7m_info.common_magic = ARMV7M_COMMON_MAGIC;
+       armv7m_info.core_mode = ARM_MODE_THREAD;
-                       if ((count - i) < (2 * 1024)) {
-                               wc = count - i;
-                               wc /= 4;
-                       }
+       retval = target_run_algorithm(target, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, wdog_algorithm->address,
+                       wdog_algorithm->address + (sizeof(kinetis_unlock_wdog_code) - 2),
+                       10000, &armv7m_info);
-                       LOG_DEBUG("write section @ %08X with length %d",
-                                 offset + i, wc * 4);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+               LOG_ERROR("error executing kinetis wdog unlock algorithm");
-                       /* write data to flexram */
-                       result =
-                           target_write_memory(bank->target, 0x14000000, 4, wc,
-                                               buffer + i);
+       retval = target_read_u16(target, WDOG_STCTRH, &wdog);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+               return retval;
+       LOG_INFO("WDOG_STCTRLH = 0x%x", wdog);
-                       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-                               LOG_ERROR("target_write_memory failed");
+       target_free_working_area(target, wdog_algorithm);
-                               return result;
-                       }
+       return retval;
-                       /* execute section command */
-                       w0 = (0x0b << 24) | (offset + i);
-                       w1 = (256 << 16);
+       int result;
+       uint32_t sim_sdid;
+       struct target *target = get_current_target(CMD_CTX);
-                       result = kinetis_ftfl_command(bank, w0, w1, w2);
+       if (CMD_ARGC > 0)
+               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
-                       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-                               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-                       }
-               }
+       result = target_read_u32(target, SIM_SDID, &sim_sdid);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_ERROR("Failed to read SIMSDID");
+               return result;
-       /* program longword command */
-       else {
-               for (i = 0; i < count; i += 4) {
-                       LOG_DEBUG("write longword @ %08X", offset + i);
-                       w0 = (0x06 << 24) | (offset + i);
-                       w1 = buf_get_u32(buffer + offset + i, 0, 32);
+       result = kinetis_disable_wdog(target, sim_sdid);
+       return result;
-                       result = kinetis_ftfl_command(bank, w0, w1, w2);
-                       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-                               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
+static int kinetis_ftfx_decode_error(uint8_t fstat)
+       if (fstat & 0x20) {
+               LOG_ERROR("Flash operation failed, illegal command");
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPER_UNSUPPORTED;
-       return ERROR_OK;
+       } else if (fstat & 0x10)
+               LOG_ERROR("Flash operation failed, protection violated");
+       else if (fstat & 0x40)
+               LOG_ERROR("Flash operation failed, read collision");
+       else if (fstat & 0x80)
+               return ERROR_OK;
+       else
+               LOG_ERROR("Flash operation timed out");
-static int kinetis_probe(struct flash_bank *bank)
+static int kinetis_ftfx_prepare(struct target *target)
-       struct flash_bank *master_bank;
        int result, i;
        int result, i;
-       uint8_t buf[4];
-       uint32_t sim_sdid, sim_fcfg1, sim_fcfg2, offset = 0;
-       uint32_t nvm_size, pf_size, flash_size, ee_size;
-       if (bank->target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
-               LOG_ERROR("Target not halted");
-               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
-       }
+       uint8_t fstat;
-       result = kinetis_get_master_bank(bank, &master_bank);
+       /* wait until busy */
+       for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
+               result = target_read_u8(target, FTFx_FSTAT, &fstat);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                       return result;
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
+               if (fstat & 0x80)
+                       break;
-       result = target_read_memory(bank->target, 0x40048024, 1, 4, buf);
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
-       }
-       sim_sdid = target_buffer_get_u32(bank->target, buf);
-       result = target_read_memory(bank->target, 0x4004804c, 1, 4, buf);
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
+       if ((fstat & 0x80) == 0) {
+               LOG_ERROR("Flash controller is busy");
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       sim_fcfg1 = target_buffer_get_u32(bank->target, buf);
-       result = target_read_memory(bank->target, 0x40048050, 1, 4, buf);
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
+       if (fstat != 0x80) {
+               /* reset error flags */
+               result = target_write_u8(target, FTFx_FSTAT, 0x70);
-       sim_fcfg2 = target_buffer_get_u32(bank->target, buf);
+       return result;
-       LOG_DEBUG("SDID: %08X FCFG1: %08X FCFG2: %08X", sim_sdid, sim_fcfg1,
-                 sim_fcfg2);
+/* Kinetis Program-LongWord Microcodes */
+static const uint8_t kinetis_flash_write_code[] = {
+#include "../../../contrib/loaders/flash/kinetis/kinetis_flash.inc"
-       switch ((sim_fcfg1 >> 28) & 0x0f) {
-       case 0x07:
-               nvm_size = 128 * 1024;
-               break;
-       case 0x09:
-       case 0x0f:
-               nvm_size = 256 * 1024;
-               break;
-       default:
-               nvm_size = 0;
-               break;
+/* Program LongWord Block Write */
+static int kinetis_write_block(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer,
+               uint32_t offset, uint32_t wcount)
+       struct target *target = bank->target;
+       uint32_t buffer_size = 2048;            /* Default minimum value */
+       struct working_area *write_algorithm;
+       struct working_area *source;
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+       uint32_t address = kinfo->prog_base + offset;
+       uint32_t end_address;
+       struct reg_param reg_params[5];
+       struct armv7m_algorithm armv7m_info;
+       int retval;
+       uint8_t fstat;
+       /* Increase buffer_size if needed */
+       if (buffer_size < (target->working_area_size/2))
+               buffer_size = (target->working_area_size/2);
+       /* allocate working area with flash programming code */
+       if (target_alloc_working_area(target, sizeof(kinetis_flash_write_code),
+                       &write_algorithm) != ERROR_OK) {
+               LOG_WARNING("no working area available, can't do block memory writes");
-       switch ((sim_fcfg1 >> 24) & 0x0f) {
-       case 0x07:
-               pf_size = 128 * 1024;
-               break;
-       case 0x09:
-               pf_size = 256 * 1024;
-               break;
-       case 0x0b:
-       case 0x0f:
-               pf_size = 512 * 1024;
-               break;
-       default:
-               pf_size = 0;
-               break;
-       }
+       retval = target_write_buffer(target, write_algorithm->address,
+               sizeof(kinetis_flash_write_code), kinetis_flash_write_code);
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+               return retval;
-       /* pf_size is the total size */
-       flash_size = pf_size - nvm_size;
+       /* memory buffer */
+       while (target_alloc_working_area(target, buffer_size, &source) != ERROR_OK) {
+               buffer_size /= 4;
+               if (buffer_size <= 256) {
+                       /* free working area, write algorithm already allocated */
+                       target_free_working_area(target, write_algorithm);
-       switch ((sim_fcfg1 >> 16) & 0x0f) {
-       case 0x02:
-               ee_size = 4 * 1024;
-               break;
-       case 0x03:
-               ee_size = 2 * 1024;
-               break;
-       case 0x04:
-               ee_size = 1 * 1024;
-               break;
-       case 0x05:
-               ee_size = 512;
-               break;
-       case 0x06:
-               ee_size = 256;
-               break;
-       case 0x07:
-               ee_size = 128;
-               break;
-       case 0x08:
-               ee_size = 64;
-               break;
-       case 0x09:
-               ee_size = 32;
-               break;
-       default:
-               ee_size = 0;
-               break;
+                       LOG_WARNING("No large enough working area available, can't do block memory writes");
+                       return ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE;
+               }
-       LOG_DEBUG("NVM: %d PF: %d EE: %d BL1: %d", nvm_size, pf_size, ee_size,
-                 (sim_fcfg2 >> 23) & 1);
+       armv7m_info.common_magic = ARMV7M_COMMON_MAGIC;
+       armv7m_info.core_mode = ARM_MODE_THREAD;
-       if (flash_size != bank->size) {
-               LOG_WARNING("flash size is different %d != %d", flash_size,
-                           bank->size);
-       }
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[0], "r0", 32, PARAM_IN_OUT); /* address */
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[1], "r1", 32, PARAM_OUT); /* word count */
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[2], "r2", 32, PARAM_OUT);
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[3], "r3", 32, PARAM_OUT);
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[4], "r4", 32, PARAM_OUT);
-       bank->num_sectors = bank->size / (2 * 1024);
-       bank->sectors = malloc(sizeof(struct flash_sector) * bank->num_sectors);
+       buf_set_u32(reg_params[0].value, 0, 32, address);
+       buf_set_u32(reg_params[1].value, 0, 32, wcount);
+       buf_set_u32(reg_params[2].value, 0, 32, source->address);
+       buf_set_u32(reg_params[3].value, 0, 32, source->address + source->size);
+       buf_set_u32(reg_params[4].value, 0, 32, FTFx_FSTAT);
-       for (i = 0; i < bank->num_sectors; i++) {
-               bank->sectors[i].offset = offset;
-               bank->sectors[i].size = 2 * 1024;
-               offset += bank->sectors[i].size;
-               bank->sectors[i].is_erased = -1;
-               bank->sectors[i].is_protected = 1;
-       }
+       retval = target_run_flash_async_algorithm(target, buffer, wcount, 4,
+                                               0, NULL,
+                                               5, reg_params,
+                                               source->address, source->size,
+                                               write_algorithm->address, 0,
+                                               &armv7m_info);
-       /* update the info we do not have */
-       return kinetis_update_bank_info(bank);
+       if (retval == ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED) {
+               end_address = buf_get_u32(reg_params[0].value, 0, 32);
-static int kinetis_auto_probe(struct flash_bank *bank)
-       return kinetis_probe(bank);
+               LOG_ERROR("Error writing flash at %08" PRIx32, end_address);
-static int kinetis_info(struct flash_bank *bank, char *buf, int buf_size)
-       int result;
-       struct flash_bank *master_bank;
+               retval = target_read_u8(target, FTFx_FSTAT, &fstat);
+               if (retval == ERROR_OK) {
+                       retval = kinetis_ftfx_decode_error(fstat);
-       result = kinetis_get_master_bank(bank, &master_bank);
+                       /* reset error flags */
+                       target_write_u8(target, FTFx_FSTAT, 0x70);
+               }
+       } else if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+               LOG_ERROR("Error executing kinetis Flash programming algorithm");
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
-       }
+       target_free_working_area(target, source);
+       target_free_working_area(target, write_algorithm);
-       snprintf(buf, buf_size,
-                "%s driver for flash bank %s at 0x%8.8" PRIx32 "",
-                bank->driver->name, master_bank->name, master_bank->base);
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[0]);
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[1]);
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[2]);
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[3]);
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[4]);
-       return ERROR_OK;
+       return retval;
-static int kinetis_blank_check(struct flash_bank *bank)
+static int kinetis_protect(struct flash_bank *bank, int set, int first, int last)
-       int result;
-       struct flash_bank *master_bank;
+       int i;
-       LOG_WARNING("kinetis_blank_check not supported yet");
+       if (allow_fcf_writes) {
+               LOG_ERROR("Protection setting is possible with 'kinetis fcf_source protection' only!");
+               return ERROR_FAIL;
+       }
-       if (bank->target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
-               LOG_ERROR("Target not halted");
-               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
+       if (!bank->prot_blocks || bank->num_prot_blocks == 0) {
+               LOG_ERROR("No protection possible for current bank!");
+               return ERROR_FLASH_BANK_INVALID;
-       result = kinetis_get_master_bank(bank, &master_bank);
+       for (i = first; i < bank->num_prot_blocks && i <= last; i++)
+               bank->prot_blocks[i].is_protected = set;
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
-               return result;
-       }
+       LOG_INFO("Protection bits will be written at the next FCF sector erase or write.");
+       LOG_INFO("Do not issue 'flash info' command until protection is written,");
+       LOG_INFO("doing so would re-read protection status from MCU.");
        return ERROR_OK;
        return ERROR_OK;
-static int kinetis_flash_read(struct flash_bank *bank,
-                             uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
+static int kinetis_protect_check(struct flash_bank *bank)
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
        int result;
        int result;
-       struct flash_bank *master_bank;
+       int i, b;
+       uint32_t fprot;
+       if (kinfo->flash_class == FC_PFLASH) {
+               /* read protection register */
+               result = target_read_u32(bank->target, FTFx_FPROT3, &fprot);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                       return result;
+               /* Every bit protects 1/32 of the full flash (not necessarily just this bank) */
+       } else if (kinfo->flash_class == FC_FLEX_NVM) {
+               uint8_t fdprot;
+               /* read protection register */
+               result = target_read_u8(bank->target, FTFx_FDPROT, &fdprot);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                       return result;
+               fprot = fdprot;
+       } else {
+               LOG_ERROR("Protection checks for FlexRAM not supported");
+               return ERROR_FLASH_BANK_INVALID;
+       }
+       b = kinfo->protection_block;
+       for (i = 0; i < bank->num_prot_blocks; i++) {
+               if ((fprot >> b) & 1)
+                       bank->prot_blocks[i].is_protected = 0;
+               else
+                       bank->prot_blocks[i].is_protected = 1;
+               b++;
+       }
+       return ERROR_OK;
+static int kinetis_fill_fcf(struct flash_bank *bank, uint8_t *fcf)
+       uint32_t fprot = 0xffffffff;
+       uint8_t fsec = 0xfe;             /* set MCU unsecure */
+       uint8_t fdprot = 0xff;
+       int i;
+       uint32_t pflash_bit;
+       uint8_t dflash_bit;
+       struct flash_bank *bank_iter;
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo;
+       memset(fcf, 0xff, FCF_SIZE);
+       pflash_bit = 1;
+       dflash_bit = 1;
+       /* iterate over all kinetis banks */
+       /* current bank is bank 0, it contains FCF */
+       for (bank_iter = bank; bank_iter; bank_iter = bank_iter->next) {
+               if (bank_iter->driver != &kinetis_flash
+                   || bank_iter->target != bank->target)
+                       continue;
+               kinetis_auto_probe(bank_iter);
+               kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+               if (!kinfo)
+                       continue;
+               if (kinfo->flash_class == FC_PFLASH) {
+                       for (i = 0; i < bank_iter->num_prot_blocks; i++) {
+                               if (bank_iter->prot_blocks[i].is_protected == 1)
+                                       fprot &= ~pflash_bit;
+                               pflash_bit <<= 1;
+                       }
+               } else if (kinfo->flash_class == FC_FLEX_NVM) {
+                       for (i = 0; i < bank_iter->num_prot_blocks; i++) {
+                               if (bank_iter->prot_blocks[i].is_protected == 1)
+                                       fdprot &= ~dflash_bit;
+                               dflash_bit <<= 1;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       target_buffer_set_u32(bank->target, fcf + FCF_FPROT, fprot);
+       fcf[FCF_FSEC] = fsec;
+       fcf[FCF_FOPT] = fcf_fopt;
+       fcf[FCF_FDPROT] = fdprot;
+       return ERROR_OK;
+static int kinetis_ftfx_command(struct target *target, uint8_t fcmd, uint32_t faddr,
+                               uint8_t fccob4, uint8_t fccob5, uint8_t fccob6, uint8_t fccob7,
+                               uint8_t fccob8, uint8_t fccob9, uint8_t fccoba, uint8_t fccobb,
+                               uint8_t *ftfx_fstat)
+       uint8_t command[12] = {faddr & 0xff, (faddr >> 8) & 0xff, (faddr >> 16) & 0xff, fcmd,
+                       fccob7, fccob6, fccob5, fccob4,
+                       fccobb, fccoba, fccob9, fccob8};
+       int result;
+       uint8_t fstat;
+       int64_t ms_timeout = timeval_ms() + 250;
+       result = target_write_memory(target, FTFx_FCCOB3, 4, 3, command);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       /* start command */
+       result = target_write_u8(target, FTFx_FSTAT, 0x80);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       /* wait for done */
+       do {
+               result = target_read_u8(target, FTFx_FSTAT, &fstat);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                       return result;
+               if (fstat & 0x80)
+                       break;
+       } while (timeval_ms() < ms_timeout);
+       if (ftfx_fstat)
+               *ftfx_fstat = fstat;
+       if ((fstat & 0xf0) != 0x80) {
+               LOG_DEBUG("ftfx command failed FSTAT: %02X FCCOB: %02X%02X%02X%02X %02X%02X%02X%02X %02X%02X%02X%02X",
+                        fstat, command[3], command[2], command[1], command[0],
+                        command[7], command[6], command[5], command[4],
+                        command[11], command[10], command[9], command[8]);
-       LOG_WARNING("kinetis_flash_read not supported yet");
+               return kinetis_ftfx_decode_error(fstat);
+       }
+       return ERROR_OK;
-       if (bank->target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
+static int kinetis_check_run_mode(struct target *target)
+       int result, i;
+       uint8_t pmctrl, pmstat;
+       if (target->state != TARGET_HALTED) {
                LOG_ERROR("Target not halted");
                return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
                LOG_ERROR("Target not halted");
                return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
-       result = kinetis_get_master_bank(bank, &master_bank);
+       result = target_read_u8(target, SMC_PMSTAT, &pmstat);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
-       if (result != ERROR_OK) {
+       if (pmstat == PM_STAT_RUN)
+               return ERROR_OK;
+       if (pmstat == PM_STAT_VLPR) {
+               /* It is safe to switch from VLPR to RUN mode without changing clock */
+               LOG_INFO("Switching from VLPR to RUN mode.");
+               pmctrl = PM_CTRL_RUNM_RUN;
+               result = target_write_u8(target, SMC_PMCTRL, pmctrl);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                       return result;
+               for (i = 100; i; i--) {
+                       result = target_read_u8(target, SMC_PMSTAT, &pmstat);
+                       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                               return result;
+                       if (pmstat == PM_STAT_RUN)
+                               return ERROR_OK;
+               }
+       }
+       LOG_ERROR("Flash operation not possible in current run mode: SMC_PMSTAT: 0x%x", pmstat);
+       LOG_ERROR("Issue a 'reset init' command.");
+static void kinetis_invalidate_flash_cache(struct flash_bank *bank)
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+       if (kinfo->flash_support & FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K)
+               target_write_u8(bank->target, FMC_PFB01CR + 2, 0xf0);
+               /* Set CINV_WAY bits - request invalidate of all cache ways */
+               /* FMC_PFB0CR has same address and CINV_WAY bits as FMC_PFB01CR */
+       else if (kinfo->flash_support & FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_L)
+               target_write_u8(bank->target, MCM_PLACR + 1, 0x04);
+               /* set bit CFCC - Clear Flash Controller Cache */
+       else if (kinfo->flash_support & FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_MSCM)
+               target_write_u32(bank->target, MSCM_OCMDR0, 0x30);
+               /* disable data prefetch and flash speculate */
+       return;
+static int kinetis_erase(struct flash_bank *bank, int first, int last)
+       int result, i;
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+       result = kinetis_check_run_mode(bank->target);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       /* reset error flags */
+       result = kinetis_ftfx_prepare(bank->target);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       if ((first > bank->num_sectors) || (last > bank->num_sectors))
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+       /*
+        * FIXME: TODO: use the 'Erase Flash Block' command if the
+        * requested erase is PFlash or NVM and encompasses the entire
+        * block.  Should be quicker.
+        */
+       for (i = first; i <= last; i++) {
+               /* set command and sector address */
+               result = kinetis_ftfx_command(bank->target, FTFx_CMD_SECTERASE, kinfo->prog_base + bank->sectors[i].offset,
+                               0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0,  NULL);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK) {
+                       LOG_WARNING("erase sector %d failed", i);
+                       return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+               }
+               bank->sectors[i].is_erased = 1;
+               if (bank->base == 0
+                       && bank->sectors[i].offset <= FCF_ADDRESS
+                       && bank->sectors[i].offset + bank->sectors[i].size > FCF_ADDRESS + FCF_SIZE) {
+                       if (allow_fcf_writes) {
+                               LOG_WARNING("Flash Configuration Field erased, DO NOT reset or power off the device");
+                               LOG_WARNING("until correct FCF is programmed or MCU gets security lock.");
+                       } else {
+                               uint8_t fcf_buffer[FCF_SIZE];
+                               kinetis_fill_fcf(bank, fcf_buffer);
+                               result = kinetis_write_inner(bank, fcf_buffer, FCF_ADDRESS, FCF_SIZE);
+                               if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                                       LOG_WARNING("Flash Configuration Field write failed");
+                               bank->sectors[i].is_erased = 0;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       kinetis_invalidate_flash_cache(bank);
+       return ERROR_OK;
+static int kinetis_make_ram_ready(struct target *target)
+       int result;
+       uint8_t ftfx_fcnfg;
+       /* check if ram ready */
+       result = target_read_u8(target, FTFx_FCNFG, &ftfx_fcnfg);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       if (ftfx_fcnfg & (1 << 1))
+               return ERROR_OK;        /* ram ready */
+       /* make flex ram available */
+       result = kinetis_ftfx_command(target, FTFx_CMD_SETFLEXRAM, 0x00ff0000,
+                                0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0,  NULL);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+       /* check again */
+       result = target_read_u8(target, FTFx_FCNFG, &ftfx_fcnfg);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       if (ftfx_fcnfg & (1 << 1))
+               return ERROR_OK;        /* ram ready */
+static int kinetis_write_sections(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer,
+                        uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
+       int result = ERROR_OK;
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+       uint8_t *buffer_aligned = NULL;
+       /*
+        * Kinetis uses different terms for the granularity of
+        * sector writes, e.g. "phrase" or "128 bits".  We use
+        * the generic term "chunk". The largest possible
+        * Kinetis "chunk" is 16 bytes (128 bits).
+        */
+       uint32_t prog_section_chunk_bytes = kinfo->sector_size >> 8;
+       uint32_t prog_size_bytes = kinfo->max_flash_prog_size;
+       while (count > 0) {
+               uint32_t size = prog_size_bytes - offset % prog_size_bytes;
+               uint32_t align_begin = offset % prog_section_chunk_bytes;
+               uint32_t align_end;
+               uint32_t size_aligned;
+               uint16_t chunk_count;
+               uint8_t ftfx_fstat;
+               if (size > count)
+                       size = count;
+               align_end = (align_begin + size) % prog_section_chunk_bytes;
+               if (align_end)
+                       align_end = prog_section_chunk_bytes - align_end;
+               size_aligned = align_begin + size + align_end;
+               chunk_count = size_aligned / prog_section_chunk_bytes;
+               if (size != size_aligned) {
+                       /* aligned section: the first, the last or the only */
+                       if (!buffer_aligned)
+                               buffer_aligned = malloc(prog_size_bytes);
+                       memset(buffer_aligned, 0xff, size_aligned);
+                       memcpy(buffer_aligned + align_begin, buffer, size);
+                       result = target_write_memory(bank->target, FLEXRAM,
+                                               4, size_aligned / 4, buffer_aligned);
+                       LOG_DEBUG("section @ %08" PRIx32 " aligned begin %" PRIu32 ", end %" PRIu32,
+                                       bank->base + offset, align_begin, align_end);
+               } else
+                       result = target_write_memory(bank->target, FLEXRAM,
+                                               4, size_aligned / 4, buffer);
+               LOG_DEBUG("write section @ %08" PRIx32 " with length %" PRIu32 " bytes",
+                         bank->base + offset, size);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK) {
+                       LOG_ERROR("target_write_memory failed");
+                       break;
+               }
+               /* execute section-write command */
+               result = kinetis_ftfx_command(bank->target, FTFx_CMD_SECTWRITE,
+                               kinfo->prog_base + offset - align_begin,
+                               chunk_count>>8, chunk_count, 0, 0,
+                               0, 0, 0, 0,  &ftfx_fstat);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK) {
+                       LOG_ERROR("Error writing section at %08" PRIx32, bank->base + offset);
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (ftfx_fstat & 0x01)
+                       LOG_ERROR("Flash write error at %08" PRIx32, bank->base + offset);
+               buffer += size;
+               offset += size;
+               count -= size;
+       }
+       free(buffer_aligned);
+       return result;
+static int kinetis_write_inner(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer,
+                        uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
+       int result, fallback = 0;
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+       if (!(kinfo->flash_support & FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR)) {
+               /* fallback to longword write */
+               fallback = 1;
+               LOG_INFO("This device supports Program Longword execution only.");
+       } else {
+               result = kinetis_make_ram_ready(bank->target);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK) {
+                       fallback = 1;
+                       LOG_WARNING("FlexRAM not ready, fallback to slow longword write.");
+               }
+       }
+       LOG_DEBUG("flash write @08%" PRIx32, bank->base + offset);
+       if (fallback == 0) {
+               /* program section command */
+               kinetis_write_sections(bank, buffer, offset, count);
+       }
+       else if (kinfo->flash_support & FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD) {
+               /* program longword command, not supported in FTFE */
+               uint8_t *new_buffer = NULL;
+               /* check word alignment */
+               if (offset & 0x3) {
+                       LOG_ERROR("offset 0x%" PRIx32 " breaks the required alignment", offset);
+                       return ERROR_FLASH_DST_BREAKS_ALIGNMENT;
+               }
+               if (count & 0x3) {
+                       uint32_t old_count = count;
+                       count = (old_count | 3) + 1;
+                       new_buffer = malloc(count);
+                       if (new_buffer == NULL) {
+                               LOG_ERROR("odd number of bytes to write and no memory "
+                                       "for padding buffer");
+                               return ERROR_FAIL;
+                       }
+                       LOG_INFO("odd number of bytes to write (%" PRIu32 "), extending to %" PRIu32 " "
+                               "and padding with 0xff", old_count, count);
+                       memset(new_buffer + old_count, 0xff, count - old_count);
+                       buffer = memcpy(new_buffer, buffer, old_count);
+               }
+               uint32_t words_remaining = count / 4;
+               kinetis_disable_wdog(bank->target, kinfo->sim_sdid);
+               /* try using a block write */
+               result = kinetis_write_block(bank, buffer, offset, words_remaining);
+               if (result == ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
+                       /* if block write failed (no sufficient working area),
+                        * we use normal (slow) single word accesses */
+                       LOG_WARNING("couldn't use block writes, falling back to single "
+                               "memory accesses");
+                       while (words_remaining) {
+                               uint8_t ftfx_fstat;
+                               LOG_DEBUG("write longword @ %08" PRIx32, (uint32_t)(bank->base + offset));
+                               result = kinetis_ftfx_command(bank->target, FTFx_CMD_LWORDPROG, kinfo->prog_base + offset,
+                                               buffer[3], buffer[2], buffer[1], buffer[0],
+                                               0, 0, 0, 0,  &ftfx_fstat);
+                               if (result != ERROR_OK) {
+                                       LOG_ERROR("Error writing longword at %08" PRIx32, bank->base + offset);
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               if (ftfx_fstat & 0x01)
+                                       LOG_ERROR("Flash write error at %08" PRIx32, bank->base + offset);
+                               buffer += 4;
+                               offset += 4;
+                               words_remaining--;
+                       }
+               }
+               free(new_buffer);
+       } else {
+               LOG_ERROR("Flash write strategy not implemented");
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+       }
+       kinetis_invalidate_flash_cache(bank);
+       return result;
+static int kinetis_write(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer,
+                        uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
+       int result;
+       bool set_fcf = false;
+       int sect = 0;
+       result = kinetis_check_run_mode(bank->target);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       /* reset error flags */
+       result = kinetis_ftfx_prepare(bank->target);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       if (bank->base == 0 && !allow_fcf_writes) {
+               if (bank->sectors[1].offset <= FCF_ADDRESS)
+                       sect = 1;       /* 1kb sector, FCF in 2nd sector */
+               if (offset < bank->sectors[sect].offset + bank->sectors[sect].size
+                       && offset + count > bank->sectors[sect].offset)
+                       set_fcf = true; /* write to any part of sector with FCF */
+       }
+       if (set_fcf) {
+               uint8_t fcf_buffer[FCF_SIZE];
+               uint8_t fcf_current[FCF_SIZE];
+               kinetis_fill_fcf(bank, fcf_buffer);
+               if (offset < FCF_ADDRESS) {
+                       /* write part preceding FCF */
+                       result = kinetis_write_inner(bank, buffer, offset, FCF_ADDRESS - offset);
+                       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                               return result;
+               }
+               result = target_read_memory(bank->target, FCF_ADDRESS, 4, FCF_SIZE / 4, fcf_current);
+               if (result == ERROR_OK && memcmp(fcf_current, fcf_buffer, FCF_SIZE) == 0)
+                       set_fcf = false;
+               if (set_fcf) {
+                       /* write FCF if differs from flash - eliminate multiple writes */
+                       result = kinetis_write_inner(bank, fcf_buffer, FCF_ADDRESS, FCF_SIZE);
+                       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                               return result;
+               }
+               LOG_WARNING("Flash Configuration Field written.");
+               LOG_WARNING("Reset or power off the device to make settings effective.");
+               if (offset + count > FCF_ADDRESS + FCF_SIZE) {
+                       uint32_t delta = FCF_ADDRESS + FCF_SIZE - offset;
+                       /* write part after FCF */
+                       result = kinetis_write_inner(bank, buffer + delta, FCF_ADDRESS + FCF_SIZE, count - delta);
+               }
                return result;
                return result;
+       } else
+               /* no FCF fiddling, normal write */
+               return kinetis_write_inner(bank, buffer, offset, count);
+static int kinetis_probe(struct flash_bank *bank)
+       int result, i;
+       uint8_t fcfg1_nvmsize, fcfg1_pfsize, fcfg1_eesize, fcfg1_depart;
+       uint8_t fcfg2_maxaddr0, fcfg2_pflsh, fcfg2_maxaddr1;
+       uint32_t nvm_size = 0, pf_size = 0, df_size = 0, ee_size = 0;
+       unsigned num_blocks = 0, num_pflash_blocks = 0, num_nvm_blocks = 0, first_nvm_bank = 0,
+                       pflash_sector_size_bytes = 0, nvm_sector_size_bytes = 0;
+       struct target *target = bank->target;
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+       kinfo->probed = false;
+       result = target_read_u32(target, SIM_SDID, &kinfo->sim_sdid);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       if ((kinfo->sim_sdid & (~KINETIS_SDID_K_SERIES_MASK)) == 0) {
+               /* older K-series MCU */
+               uint32_t mcu_type = kinfo->sim_sdid & KINETIS_K_SDID_TYPE_MASK;
+               switch (mcu_type) {
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K10_M50:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K20_M50:
+                       /* 1kB sectors */
+                       pflash_sector_size_bytes = 1<<10;
+                       nvm_sector_size_bytes = 1<<10;
+                       num_blocks = 2;
+                       kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                       break;
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K10_M72:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K20_M72:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K30_M72:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K30_M100:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K40_M72:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K40_M100:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K50_M72:
+                       /* 2kB sectors, 1kB FlexNVM sectors */
+                       pflash_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                       nvm_sector_size_bytes = 1<<10;
+                       num_blocks = 2;
+                       kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                       kinfo->max_flash_prog_size = 1<<10;
+                       break;
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K10_M100:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K20_M100:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K11:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K12:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K21_M50:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K22_M50:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K51_M72:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K53:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K60_M100:
+                       /* 2kB sectors */
+                       pflash_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                       nvm_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                       num_blocks = 2;
+                       kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                       break;
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K21_M120:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K22_M120:
+                       /* 4kB sectors (MK21FN1M0, MK21FX512, MK22FN1M0, MK22FX512) */
+                       pflash_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                       kinfo->max_flash_prog_size = 1<<10;
+                       nvm_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                       num_blocks = 2;
+                       kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_PHRASE | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                       break;
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K10_M120:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K20_M120:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K60_M150:
+               case KINETIS_K_SDID_K70_M150:
+                       /* 4kB sectors */
+                       pflash_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                       nvm_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                       num_blocks = 4;
+                       kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_PHRASE | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       LOG_ERROR("Unsupported K-family FAMID");
+               }
+       } else {
+               /* Newer K-series or KL series MCU */
+               switch (kinfo->sim_sdid & KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_MASK) {
+               case KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_K:
+                       switch (kinfo->sim_sdid & (KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_MASK | KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_MASK)) {
+                               /* K02FN64, K02FN128: FTFA, 2kB sectors */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                               num_blocks = 1;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                               break;
+                       case KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K2X | KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX2: {
+                               /* MK24FN1M reports as K22, this should detect it (according to errata note 1N83J) */
+                               uint32_t sopt1;
+                               result = target_read_u32(target, SIM_SOPT1, &sopt1);
+                               if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                                       return result;
+                               if (((kinfo->sim_sdid & (KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_MASK)) == KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K24FN1M) &&
+                                               ((sopt1 & KINETIS_SOPT1_RAMSIZE_MASK) == KINETIS_SOPT1_RAMSIZE_K24FN1M)) {
+                                       /* MK24FN1M */
+                                       pflash_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                                       num_blocks = 2;
+                                       kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_PHRASE | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                                       kinfo->max_flash_prog_size = 1<<10;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               if ((kinfo->sim_sdid & (KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_MASK)) == KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K22FN128
+                                       || (kinfo->sim_sdid & (KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_MASK)) == KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K22FN256
+                                       || (kinfo->sim_sdid & (KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_MASK)) == KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K22FN512) {
+                                       /* K22 with new-style SDID - smaller pflash with FTFA, 2kB sectors */
+                                       pflash_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                                       /* autodetect 1 or 2 blocks */
+                                       kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               LOG_ERROR("Unsupported Kinetis K22 DIEID");
+                               break;
+                       }
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                               if ((kinfo->sim_sdid & (KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_MASK)) == KINETIS_SDID_DIEID_K24FN256) {
+                                       /* K24FN256 - smaller pflash with FTFA */
+                                       num_blocks = 1;
+                                       kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               /* K24FN1M without errata 7534 */
+                               num_blocks = 2;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_PHRASE | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                               kinfo->max_flash_prog_size = 1<<10;
+                               break;
+                       case KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K6X | KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX1:     /* errata 7534 - should be K63 */
+                               /* K63FN1M0 */
+                       case KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_K6X | KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_KX2:     /* errata 7534 - should be K64 */
+                               /* K64FN1M0, K64FX512 */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                               nvm_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                               kinfo->max_flash_prog_size = 1<<10;
+                               num_blocks = 2;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_PHRASE | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                               break;
+                               /* K26FN2M0 */
+                               /* K66FN2M0, K66FX1M0 */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                               nvm_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                               kinfo->max_flash_prog_size = 1<<10;
+                               num_blocks = 4;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_PHRASE | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                               break;
+                               /* K80FN256, K81FN256, K82FN256 */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                               num_blocks = 1;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               LOG_ERROR("Unsupported Kinetis FAMILYID SUBFAMID");
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_KL:
+                       /* KL-series */
+                       pflash_sector_size_bytes = 1<<10;
+                       nvm_sector_size_bytes = 1<<10;
+                       /* autodetect 1 or 2 blocks */
+                       kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_L;
+                       break;
+               case KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_KV:
+                       /* KV-series */
+                       switch (kinfo->sim_sdid & (KINETIS_SDID_FAMILYID_MASK | KINETIS_SDID_SUBFAMID_MASK)) {
+                               /* KV10: FTFA, 1kB sectors */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 1<<10;
+                               num_blocks = 1;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_L;
+                               break;
+                               /* KV11: FTFA, 2kB sectors */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                               num_blocks = 1;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_L;
+                               break;
+                               /* KV30: FTFA, 2kB sectors, 1 block */
+                               /* KV31: FTFA, 2kB sectors, 2 blocks */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                               /* autodetect 1 or 2 blocks */
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                               break;
+                               /* KV4x: FTFA, 4kB sectors */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                               num_blocks = 1;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_LONGWORD | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_K;
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               LOG_ERROR("Unsupported KV FAMILYID SUBFAMID");
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case KINETIS_SDID_SERIESID_KE:
+                       /* KE1x-series */
+                       switch (kinfo->sim_sdid &
+                               /* KE1xZ: FTFE, 2kB sectors */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                               nvm_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                               kinfo->max_flash_prog_size = 1<<9;
+                               num_blocks = 2;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_PHRASE | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_L;
+                               break;
+                               /* KE1xF: FTFE, 4kB sectors */
+                               pflash_sector_size_bytes = 4<<10;
+                               nvm_sector_size_bytes = 2<<10;
+                               kinfo->max_flash_prog_size = 1<<10;
+                               num_blocks = 2;
+                               kinfo->flash_support = FS_PROGRAM_PHRASE | FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR | FS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_MSCM;
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               LOG_ERROR("Unsupported KE FAMILYID SUBFAMID");
+                       }
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       LOG_ERROR("Unsupported K-series");
+               }
+       }
+       if (pflash_sector_size_bytes == 0) {
+               LOG_ERROR("MCU is unsupported, SDID 0x%08" PRIx32, kinfo->sim_sdid);
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPER_UNSUPPORTED;
+       }
+       result = target_read_u32(target, SIM_FCFG1, &kinfo->sim_fcfg1);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       result = target_read_u32(target, SIM_FCFG2, &kinfo->sim_fcfg2);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       LOG_DEBUG("SDID: 0x%08" PRIX32 " FCFG1: 0x%08" PRIX32 " FCFG2: 0x%08" PRIX32, kinfo->sim_sdid,
+                       kinfo->sim_fcfg1, kinfo->sim_fcfg2);
+       fcfg1_nvmsize = (uint8_t)((kinfo->sim_fcfg1 >> 28) & 0x0f);
+       fcfg1_pfsize = (uint8_t)((kinfo->sim_fcfg1 >> 24) & 0x0f);
+       fcfg1_eesize = (uint8_t)((kinfo->sim_fcfg1 >> 16) & 0x0f);
+       fcfg1_depart = (uint8_t)((kinfo->sim_fcfg1 >> 8) & 0x0f);
+       fcfg2_pflsh = (uint8_t)((kinfo->sim_fcfg2 >> 23) & 0x01);
+       fcfg2_maxaddr0 = (uint8_t)((kinfo->sim_fcfg2 >> 24) & 0x7f);
+       fcfg2_maxaddr1 = (uint8_t)((kinfo->sim_fcfg2 >> 16) & 0x7f);
+       if (num_blocks == 0)
+               num_blocks = fcfg2_maxaddr1 ? 2 : 1;
+       else if (fcfg2_maxaddr1 == 0 && num_blocks >= 2) {
+               num_blocks = 1;
+               LOG_WARNING("MAXADDR1 is zero, number of flash banks adjusted to 1");
+       } else if (fcfg2_maxaddr1 != 0 && num_blocks == 1) {
+               num_blocks = 2;
+               LOG_WARNING("MAXADDR1 is non zero, number of flash banks adjusted to 2");
+       }
+       /* when the PFLSH bit is set, there is no FlexNVM/FlexRAM */
+       if (!fcfg2_pflsh) {
+               switch (fcfg1_nvmsize) {
+               case 0x03:
+               case 0x05:
+               case 0x07:
+               case 0x09:
+               case 0x0b:
+                       nvm_size = 1 << (14 + (fcfg1_nvmsize >> 1));
+                       break;
+               case 0x0f:
+                       if (pflash_sector_size_bytes >= 4<<10)
+                               nvm_size = 512<<10;
+                       else
+                               /* K20_100 */
+                               nvm_size = 256<<10;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       nvm_size = 0;
+                       break;
+               }
+               switch (fcfg1_eesize) {
+               case 0x00:
+               case 0x01:
+               case 0x02:
+               case 0x03:
+               case 0x04:
+               case 0x05:
+               case 0x06:
+               case 0x07:
+               case 0x08:
+               case 0x09:
+                       ee_size = (16 << (10 - fcfg1_eesize));
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       ee_size = 0;
+                       break;
+               }
+               switch (fcfg1_depart) {
+               case 0x01:
+               case 0x02:
+               case 0x03:
+               case 0x04:
+               case 0x05:
+               case 0x06:
+                       df_size = nvm_size - (4096 << fcfg1_depart);
+                       break;
+               case 0x08:
+                       df_size = 0;
+                       break;
+               case 0x09:
+               case 0x0a:
+               case 0x0b:
+               case 0x0c:
+               case 0x0d:
+                       df_size = 4096 << (fcfg1_depart & 0x7);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       df_size = nvm_size;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       switch (fcfg1_pfsize) {
+       case 0x03:
+       case 0x05:
+       case 0x07:
+       case 0x09:
+       case 0x0b:
+       case 0x0d:
+               pf_size = 1 << (14 + (fcfg1_pfsize >> 1));
+               break;
+       case 0x0f:
+               /* a peculiar case: Freescale states different sizes for 0xf
+                * K02P64M100SFARM      128 KB ... duplicate of code 0x7
+                * K22P121M120SF8RM     256 KB ... duplicate of code 0x9
+                * K22P121M120SF7RM     512 KB ... duplicate of code 0xb
+                * K22P100M120SF5RM     1024 KB ... duplicate of code 0xd
+                * K26P169M180SF5RM     2048 KB ... the only unique value
+                * fcfg2_maxaddr0 seems to be the only clue to pf_size
+                * Checking fcfg2_maxaddr0 later in this routine is pointless then
+                */
+               if (fcfg2_pflsh)
+                       pf_size = ((uint32_t)fcfg2_maxaddr0 << 13) * num_blocks;
+               else
+                       pf_size = ((uint32_t)fcfg2_maxaddr0 << 13) * num_blocks / 2;
+               if (pf_size != 2048<<10)
+                       LOG_WARNING("SIM_FCFG1 PFSIZE = 0xf: please check if pflash is %u KB", pf_size>>10);
+               break;
+       default:
+               pf_size = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       LOG_DEBUG("FlexNVM: %" PRIu32 " PFlash: %" PRIu32 " FlexRAM: %" PRIu32 " PFLSH: %d",
+                 nvm_size, pf_size, ee_size, fcfg2_pflsh);
+       num_pflash_blocks = num_blocks / (2 - fcfg2_pflsh);
+       first_nvm_bank = num_pflash_blocks;
+       num_nvm_blocks = num_blocks - num_pflash_blocks;
+       LOG_DEBUG("%d blocks total: %d PFlash, %d FlexNVM",
+                       num_blocks, num_pflash_blocks, num_nvm_blocks);
+       LOG_INFO("Probing flash info for bank %d", bank->bank_number);
+       if ((unsigned)bank->bank_number < num_pflash_blocks) {
+               /* pflash, banks start at address zero */
+               kinfo->flash_class = FC_PFLASH;
+               bank->size = (pf_size / num_pflash_blocks);
+               bank->base = 0x00000000 + bank->size * bank->bank_number;
+               kinfo->prog_base = bank->base;
+               kinfo->sector_size = pflash_sector_size_bytes;
+               /* pflash is divided into 32 protection areas for
+                * parts with more than 32K of PFlash. For parts with
+                * less the protection unit is set to 1024 bytes */
+               kinfo->protection_size = MAX(pf_size / 32, 1024);
+               bank->num_prot_blocks = 32 / num_pflash_blocks;
+               kinfo->protection_block = bank->num_prot_blocks * bank->bank_number;
+       } else if ((unsigned)bank->bank_number < num_blocks) {
+               /* nvm, banks start at address 0x10000000 */
+               unsigned nvm_ord = bank->bank_number - first_nvm_bank;
+               uint32_t limit;
+               kinfo->flash_class = FC_FLEX_NVM;
+               bank->size = (nvm_size / num_nvm_blocks);
+               bank->base = 0x10000000 + bank->size * nvm_ord;
+               kinfo->prog_base = 0x00800000 + bank->size * nvm_ord;
+               kinfo->sector_size = nvm_sector_size_bytes;
+               if (df_size == 0) {
+                       kinfo->protection_size = 0;
+               } else {
+                       for (i = df_size; ~i & 1; i >>= 1)
+                               ;
+                       if (i == 1)
+                               kinfo->protection_size = df_size / 8;   /* data flash size = 2^^n */
+                       else
+                               kinfo->protection_size = nvm_size / 8;  /* TODO: verify on SF1, not documented in RM */
+               }
+               bank->num_prot_blocks = 8 / num_nvm_blocks;
+               kinfo->protection_block = bank->num_prot_blocks * nvm_ord;
+               /* EEPROM backup part of FlexNVM is not accessible, use df_size as a limit */
+               if (df_size > bank->size * nvm_ord)
+                       limit = df_size - bank->size * nvm_ord;
+               else
+                       limit = 0;
+               if (bank->size > limit) {
+                       bank->size = limit;
+                       LOG_DEBUG("FlexNVM bank %d limited to 0x%08" PRIx32 " due to active EEPROM backup",
+                               bank->bank_number, limit);
+               }
+       } else if ((unsigned)bank->bank_number == num_blocks) {
+               LOG_ERROR("FlexRAM support not yet implemented");
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPER_UNSUPPORTED;
+       } else {
+               LOG_ERROR("Cannot determine parameters for bank %d, only %d banks on device",
+                               bank->bank_number, num_blocks);
+               return ERROR_FLASH_BANK_INVALID;
+       }
+       if (bank->bank_number == 0 && ((uint32_t)fcfg2_maxaddr0 << 13) != bank->size)
+               LOG_WARNING("MAXADDR0 0x%02" PRIx8 " check failed,"
+                               " please report to OpenOCD mailing list", fcfg2_maxaddr0);
+       if (fcfg2_pflsh) {
+               if (bank->bank_number == 1 && ((uint32_t)fcfg2_maxaddr1 << 13) != bank->size)
+                       LOG_WARNING("MAXADDR1 0x%02" PRIx8 " check failed,"
+                               " please report to OpenOCD mailing list", fcfg2_maxaddr1);
+       } else {
+               if ((unsigned)bank->bank_number == first_nvm_bank
+                               && ((uint32_t)fcfg2_maxaddr1 << 13) != df_size)
+                       LOG_WARNING("FlexNVM MAXADDR1 0x%02" PRIx8 " check failed,"
+                               " please report to OpenOCD mailing list", fcfg2_maxaddr1);
+       }
+       if (bank->sectors) {
+               free(bank->sectors);
+               bank->sectors = NULL;
+       }
+       if (bank->prot_blocks) {
+               free(bank->prot_blocks);
+               bank->prot_blocks = NULL;
+       }
+       if (kinfo->sector_size == 0) {
+               LOG_ERROR("Unknown sector size for bank %d", bank->bank_number);
+               return ERROR_FLASH_BANK_INVALID;
+       }
+       if (kinfo->flash_support & FS_PROGRAM_SECTOR
+                        && kinfo->max_flash_prog_size == 0) {
+               kinfo->max_flash_prog_size = kinfo->sector_size;
+               /* Program section size is equal to sector size by default */
+       }
+       bank->num_sectors = bank->size / kinfo->sector_size;
+       if (bank->num_sectors > 0) {
+               /* FlexNVM bank can be used for EEPROM backup therefore zero sized */
+               bank->sectors = alloc_block_array(0, kinfo->sector_size, bank->num_sectors);
+               if (!bank->sectors)
+                       return ERROR_FAIL;
+               bank->prot_blocks = alloc_block_array(0, kinfo->protection_size, bank->num_prot_blocks);
+               if (!bank->prot_blocks)
+                       return ERROR_FAIL;
+       } else {
+               bank->num_prot_blocks = 0;
+       }
+       kinfo->probed = true;
+       return ERROR_OK;
+static int kinetis_auto_probe(struct flash_bank *bank)
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+       if (kinfo && kinfo->probed)
+               return ERROR_OK;
+       return kinetis_probe(bank);
+static int kinetis_info(struct flash_bank *bank, char *buf, int buf_size)
+       const char *bank_class_names[] = {
+               "(ANY)", "PFlash", "FlexNVM", "FlexRAM"
+       };
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+       (void) snprintf(buf, buf_size,
+                       "%s driver for %s flash bank %s at 0x%8.8" PRIx32 "",
+                       bank->driver->name, bank_class_names[kinfo->flash_class],
+                       bank->name, bank->base);
+       return ERROR_OK;
+static int kinetis_blank_check(struct flash_bank *bank)
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+       int result;
+       /* suprisingly blank check does not work in VLPR and HSRUN modes */
+       result = kinetis_check_run_mode(bank->target);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       /* reset error flags */
+       result = kinetis_ftfx_prepare(bank->target);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       if (kinfo->flash_class == FC_PFLASH || kinfo->flash_class == FC_FLEX_NVM) {
+               bool block_dirty = false;
+               uint8_t ftfx_fstat;
+               if (kinfo->flash_class == FC_FLEX_NVM) {
+                       uint8_t fcfg1_depart = (uint8_t)((kinfo->sim_fcfg1 >> 8) & 0x0f);
+                       /* block operation cannot be used on FlexNVM when EEPROM backup partition is set */
+                       if (fcfg1_depart != 0xf && fcfg1_depart != 0)
+                               block_dirty = true;
+               }
+               if (!block_dirty) {
+                       /* check if whole bank is blank */
+                       result = kinetis_ftfx_command(bank->target, FTFx_CMD_BLOCKSTAT, kinfo->prog_base,
+                                                        0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0, &ftfx_fstat);
+                       if (result != ERROR_OK || (ftfx_fstat & 0x01))
+                               block_dirty = true;
+               }
+               if (block_dirty) {
+                       /* the whole bank is not erased, check sector-by-sector */
+                       int i;
+                       for (i = 0; i < bank->num_sectors; i++) {
+                               /* normal margin */
+                               result = kinetis_ftfx_command(bank->target, FTFx_CMD_SECTSTAT,
+                                               kinfo->prog_base + bank->sectors[i].offset,
+                                               1, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0, &ftfx_fstat);
+                               if (result == ERROR_OK) {
+                                       bank->sectors[i].is_erased = !(ftfx_fstat & 0x01);
+                               } else {
+                                       LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring errored PFlash sector blank-check");
+                                       bank->sectors[i].is_erased = -1;
+                               }
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       /* the whole bank is erased, update all sectors */
+                       int i;
+                       for (i = 0; i < bank->num_sectors; i++)
+                               bank->sectors[i].is_erased = 1;
+               }
+       } else {
+               LOG_WARNING("kinetis_blank_check not supported yet for FlexRAM");
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+       }
+       return ERROR_OK;
+       int result, i;
+       unsigned long par, log2 = 0, ee1 = 0, ee2 = 0;
+       enum { SHOW_INFO, DF_SIZE, EEBKP_SIZE } sz_type = SHOW_INFO;
+       bool enable;
+       uint8_t load_flex_ram = 1;
+       uint8_t ee_size_code = 0x3f;
+       uint8_t flex_nvm_partition_code = 0;
+       uint8_t ee_split = 3;
+       struct target *target = get_current_target(CMD_CTX);
+       struct flash_bank *bank;
+       struct kinetis_flash_bank *kinfo;
+       uint32_t sim_fcfg1;
+       if (CMD_ARGC >= 2) {
+               if (strcmp(CMD_ARGV[0], "dataflash") == 0)
+                       sz_type = DF_SIZE;
+               else if (strcmp(CMD_ARGV[0], "eebkp") == 0)
+                       sz_type = EEBKP_SIZE;
+               par = strtoul(CMD_ARGV[1], NULL, 10);
+               while (par >> (log2 + 3))
+                       log2++;
+       }
+       switch (sz_type) {
+       case SHOW_INFO:
+               result = target_read_u32(target, SIM_FCFG1, &sim_fcfg1);
+               if (result != ERROR_OK)
+                       return result;
+               flex_nvm_partition_code = (uint8_t)((sim_fcfg1 >> 8) & 0x0f);
+               switch (flex_nvm_partition_code) {
+               case 0:
+                       command_print(CMD_CTX, "No EEPROM backup, data flash only");
+                       break;
+               case 1:
+               case 2:
+               case 3:
+               case 4:
+               case 5:
+               case 6:
+                       command_print(CMD_CTX, "EEPROM backup %d KB", 4 << flex_nvm_partition_code);
+                       break;
+               case 8:
+                       command_print(CMD_CTX, "No data flash, EEPROM backup only");
+                       break;
+               case 0x9:
+               case 0xA:
+               case 0xB:
+               case 0xC:
+               case 0xD:
+               case 0xE:
+                       command_print(CMD_CTX, "data flash %d KB", 4 << (flex_nvm_partition_code & 7));
+                       break;
+               case 0xf:
+                       command_print(CMD_CTX, "No EEPROM backup, data flash only (DEPART not set)");
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       command_print(CMD_CTX, "Unsupported EEPROM backup size code 0x%02" PRIx8, flex_nvm_partition_code);
+               }
+               return ERROR_OK;
+       case DF_SIZE:
+               flex_nvm_partition_code = 0x8 | log2;
+               break;
+       case EEBKP_SIZE:
+               flex_nvm_partition_code = log2;
+               break;
+       }
+       if (CMD_ARGC == 3)
+               ee1 = ee2 = strtoul(CMD_ARGV[2], NULL, 10) / 2;
+       else if (CMD_ARGC >= 4) {
+               ee1 = strtoul(CMD_ARGV[2], NULL, 10);
+               ee2 = strtoul(CMD_ARGV[3], NULL, 10);
+       }
+       enable = ee1 + ee2 > 0;
+       if (enable) {
+               for (log2 = 2; ; log2++) {
+                       if (ee1 + ee2 == (16u << 10) >> log2)
+                               break;
+                       if (ee1 + ee2 > (16u << 10) >> log2 || log2 >= 9) {
+                               LOG_ERROR("Unsupported EEPROM size");
+                               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (ee1 * 3 == ee2)
+                       ee_split = 1;
+               else if (ee1 * 7 == ee2)
+                       ee_split = 0;
+               else if (ee1 != ee2) {
+                       LOG_ERROR("Unsupported EEPROM sizes ratio");
+                       return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
+               }
+               ee_size_code = log2 | ee_split << 4;
+       }
+       if (CMD_ARGC >= 5)
+               COMMAND_PARSE_ON_OFF(CMD_ARGV[4], enable);
+       if (enable)
+               load_flex_ram = 0;
+       LOG_INFO("DEPART 0x%" PRIx8 ", EEPROM size code 0x%" PRIx8,
+                flex_nvm_partition_code, ee_size_code);
+       result = kinetis_check_run_mode(target);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       /* reset error flags */
+       result = kinetis_ftfx_prepare(target);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       result = kinetis_ftfx_command(target, FTFx_CMD_PGMPART, load_flex_ram,
+                                     ee_size_code, flex_nvm_partition_code, 0, 0,
+                                     0, 0, 0, 0,  NULL);
+       if (result != ERROR_OK)
+               return result;
+       command_print(CMD_CTX, "FlexNVM partition set. Please reset MCU.");
+       for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+               bank = get_flash_bank_by_num_noprobe(i);
+               if (bank == NULL)
+                       break;
+               kinfo = bank->driver_priv;
+               if (kinfo && kinfo->flash_class == FC_FLEX_NVM)
+                       kinfo->probed = false;  /* re-probe before next use */
+       command_print(CMD_CTX, "FlexNVM banks will be re-probed to set new data flash size.");
        return ERROR_OK;
        return ERROR_OK;
+       if (CMD_ARGC > 1)
+               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
+       if (CMD_ARGC == 1) {
+               if (strcmp(CMD_ARGV[0], "write") == 0)
+                       allow_fcf_writes = true;
+               else if (strcmp(CMD_ARGV[0], "protection") == 0)
+                       allow_fcf_writes = false;
+               else
+                       return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
+       }
+       if (allow_fcf_writes) {
+               command_print(CMD_CTX, "Arbitrary Flash Configuration Field writes enabled.");
+               command_print(CMD_CTX, "Protection info writes to FCF disabled.");
+               LOG_WARNING("BEWARE: incorrect flash configuration may permanently lock the device.");
+       } else {
+               command_print(CMD_CTX, "Protection info writes to Flash Configuration Field enabled.");
+               command_print(CMD_CTX, "Arbitrary FCF writes disabled. Mode safe from unwanted locking of the device.");
+       }
+       return ERROR_OK;
+       if (CMD_ARGC > 1)
+               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
+       if (CMD_ARGC == 1)
+               fcf_fopt = (uint8_t)strtoul(CMD_ARGV[0], NULL, 0);
+       else
+               command_print(CMD_CTX, "FCF_FOPT 0x%02" PRIx8, fcf_fopt);
+       return ERROR_OK;
+static const struct command_registration kinetis_security_command_handlers[] = {
+       {
+               .name = "check_security",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .help = "Check status of device security lock",
+               .usage = "",
+               .handler = kinetis_check_flash_security_status,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "halt",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .help = "Issue a halt via the MDM-AP",
+               .usage = "",
+               .handler = kinetis_mdm_halt,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "mass_erase",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .help = "Issue a complete flash erase via the MDM-AP",
+               .usage = "",
+               .handler = kinetis_mdm_mass_erase,
+       },
+       {       .name = "reset",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .help = "Issue a reset via the MDM-AP",
+               .usage = "",
+               .handler = kinetis_mdm_reset,
+       },
+static const struct command_registration kinetis_exec_command_handlers[] = {
+       {
+               .name = "mdm",
+               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
+               .help = "MDM-AP command group",
+               .usage = "",
+               .chain = kinetis_security_command_handlers,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "disable_wdog",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .help = "Disable the watchdog timer",
+               .usage = "",
+               .handler = kinetis_disable_wdog_handler,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "nvm_partition",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .help = "Show/set data flash or EEPROM backup size in kilobytes,"
+                       " set two EEPROM sizes in bytes and FlexRAM loading during reset",
+               .usage = "('info'|'dataflash' size|'eebkp' size) [eesize1 eesize2] ['on'|'off']",
+               .handler = kinetis_nvm_partition,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "fcf_source",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .help = "Use protection as a source for Flash Configuration Field or allow writing arbitrary values to the FCF"
+                       " Mode 'protection' is safe from unwanted locking of the device.",
+               .usage = "['protection'|'write']",
+               .handler = kinetis_fcf_source_handler,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "fopt",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .help = "FCF_FOPT value source in 'kinetis fcf_source protection' mode",
+               .usage = "[num]",
+               .handler = kinetis_fopt_handler,
+       },
+static const struct command_registration kinetis_command_handler[] = {
+       {
+               .name = "kinetis",
+               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
+               .help = "Kinetis flash controller commands",
+               .usage = "",
+               .chain = kinetis_exec_command_handlers,
+       },
 struct flash_driver kinetis_flash = {
        .name = "kinetis",
 struct flash_driver kinetis_flash = {
        .name = "kinetis",
+       .commands = kinetis_command_handler,
        .flash_bank_command = kinetis_flash_bank_command,
        .erase = kinetis_erase,
        .protect = kinetis_protect,
        .write = kinetis_write,
        .flash_bank_command = kinetis_flash_bank_command,
        .erase = kinetis_erase,
        .protect = kinetis_protect,
        .write = kinetis_write,
-       .read = kinetis_flash_read,
+       .read = default_flash_read,
        .probe = kinetis_probe,
        .auto_probe = kinetis_auto_probe,
        .erase_check = kinetis_blank_check,
        .probe = kinetis_probe,
        .auto_probe = kinetis_auto_probe,
        .erase_check = kinetis_blank_check,

Linking to existing account procedure

If you already have an account and want to add another login method you MUST first sign in with your existing account and then change URL to read https://review.openocd.org/login/?link to get to this page again but this time it'll work for linking. Thank you.

SSH host keys fingerprints

1024 SHA256:YKx8b7u5ZWdcbp7/4AeXNaqElP49m6QrwfXaqQGJAOk gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (DSA)
384 SHA256:jHIbSQa4REvwCFG4cq5LBlBLxmxSqelQPem/EXIrxjk gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ECDSA)
521 SHA256:UAOPYkU9Fjtcao0Ul/Rrlnj/OsQvt+pgdYSZ4jOYdgs gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ECDSA)
256 SHA256:A13M5QlnozFOvTllybRZH6vm7iSt0XLxbA48yfc2yfY gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ECDSA)
256 SHA256:spYMBqEYoAOtK7yZBrcwE8ZpYt6b68Cfh9yEVetvbXg gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ED25519)
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2048 SHA256:0Onrb7/PHjpo6iVZ7xQX2riKN83FJ3KGU0TvI0TaFG4 gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (RSA)