log_callback_t -> struct log_callback
[openocd.git] / src / helper / log.c
index e5dc0a23e224e6193f3d3a86ee312ff1795eff1f..1724beccbb61de7b40acbba74e7a01fa17d4028c 100644 (file)
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
  *   Copyright (C) 2005 by Dominic Rath                                    *
  *   Dominic.Rath@gmx.de                                                   *
  *                                                                         *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Ã˜yvind Harboe                                 *
+ *   oyvind.harboe@zylin.com                                               *
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2008 by Spencer Oliver                                  *
+ *   spen@spen-soft.co.uk                                                  *
+ *                                                                         *
  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 #include "log.h"
-#include "configuration.h"
+#include "time_support.h"
+// @todo the inclusion of server.h here is a layering violation
+#include "server.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
 #include <stdarg.h>
-#include <time.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#error "malloc.h is required to use --enable-malloc-logging"
 int debug_level = -1;
 static FILE* log_output;
+static struct log_callback *log_callbacks = NULL;
+static long long last_time;
+static long long current_time;
-static void *privData;
-static logCallback callback;
+static long long start;
-void log_setCallback(logCallback c, void *p)
+static char *log_strings[5] =
-       callback = c;
-       privData = p;
+       "User : ",
+       "Error: ",
+       "Warn : ",  /* want a space after each colon, all same width, colons aligned */
+       "Info : ",
+       "Debug: "
+static int count = 0;
-static char *log_strings[4] = 
+static struct store_log_forward * log_head = NULL;
+static int log_forward_count = 0;
+struct store_log_forward
-       "Error:  ",
-       "Warning:",
-       "Info:   ",
-       "Debug:  ",
+       struct store_log_forward * next;
+       const char * file;
+       int line;
+       const char * function;
+       const char * string;
-void log_printf(enum log_levels level, const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *format, ...)
+/* either forward the log to the listeners or store it for possible forwarding later */
+static void log_forward(const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *string)
-       static int count = 0;
-       count++;
-       va_list args;
-       char buffer[512];
+       if (log_forward_count==0)
+       {
+               struct log_callback *cb, *next;
+               cb = log_callbacks;
+               /* DANGER!!!! the log callback can remove itself!!!! */
+               while (cb)
+               {
+                       next = cb->next;
+                       cb->fn(cb->priv, file, line, function, string);
+                       cb = next;
+               }
+       } else
+       {
+               struct store_log_forward *log = malloc(sizeof (struct store_log_forward));
+               log->file = strdup(file);
+               log->line = line;
+               log->function = strdup(function);
+               log->string = strdup(string);
+               log->next = NULL;
+               if (log_head==NULL)
+                       log_head = log;
+               else
+               {
+                       /* append to tail */
+                       struct store_log_forward * t;
+                       t = log_head;
+                       while (t->next!=NULL)
+                       {
+                               t = t->next;
+                       }
+                       t->next = log;
+               }
+       }
-       if (level > debug_level)
-               return;
+void log_try(void)
+       log_forward_count++;
+void log_catch(void)
+       assert(log_forward_count>0);
+       log_forward_count--;
-       va_start(args, format);
-       vsnprintf(buffer, 512, format, args);
+void log_rethrow(void)
+       log_catch();
+       if (log_forward_count==0)
+       {
+               struct store_log_forward *log;
+               log = log_head;
+               while (log != NULL)
+               {
+                       log_forward(log->file, log->line, log->function, log->string);
+                       struct store_log_forward *t=log;
+                       log = log->next;
-       char *f = strrchr(file, '/');
+                       free((void *)t->file);
+                       free((void *)t->function);
+                       free((void *)t->string);
+                       free(t);
+               }
+               log_head = NULL;
+       }
+/* The log_puts() serves to somewhat different goals:
+ *
+ * - logging
+ * - feeding low-level info to the user in GDB or Telnet
+ *
+ * The latter dictates that strings without newline are not logged, lest there
+ * will be *MANY log lines when sending one char at the time(e.g.
+ * target_request.c).
+ *
+ */
+static void log_puts(enum log_levels level, const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *string)
+       char *f;
+       if (level == LOG_LVL_OUTPUT)
+       {
+               /* do not prepend any headers, just print out what we were given and return */
+               fputs(string, log_output);
+               fflush(log_output);
+               return;
+       }
+       f = strrchr(file, '/');
        if (f != NULL)
                file = f + 1;
-       fprintf(log_output, "%s %d %ld %s:%d %s(): %s\n", log_strings[level], count, time(NULL), file, line, function, buffer);
+       if (strchr(string, '\n') != NULL)
+       {
+               if (debug_level >= LOG_LVL_DEBUG)
+               {
+                       /* print with count and time information */
+                       int t = (int)(timeval_ms()-start);
+                       struct mallinfo info;
+                       info = mallinfo();
+                       fprintf(log_output, "%s%d %d %s:%d %s()"
+                                       " %d"
+                                       ": %s", log_strings[level + 1], count, t, file, line, function,
+                                       info.fordblks,
+                                       string);
+               }
+               else if (server_use_pipes == 0)
+               {
+                       /* if we are using gdb through pipes then we do not want any output
+                        * to the pipe otherwise we get repeated strings */
+                       if (strcmp(string, "\n") != 0)
+                       {
+                               /* print human readable output - but skip empty lines */
+                               fprintf(log_output, "%s%s",
+                                               (level > LOG_LVL_USER)?log_strings[level + 1]:"", string);
+                       }
+               }
+       } else
+       {
+               /* only entire lines are logged. Otherwise it's
+                * single chars intended for the log callbacks. */
+       }
-       va_end(args);
-       /* Never forward LOG_DEBUG, too verbose and they can be found in the log if need be */
-       if (callback && (level <= LOG_INFO))
+       /* Never forward LOG_LVL_DEBUG, too verbose and they can be found in the log if need be */
+       if (level <= LOG_LVL_INFO)
+       {
+               log_forward(file, line, function, string);
+       }
+void log_printf(enum log_levels level, const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *format, ...)
+       char *string;
+       va_list ap;
+       count++;
+       if (level > debug_level)
+               return;
+       va_start(ap, format);
+       string = alloc_vprintf(format, ap);
+       if (string != NULL)
+       {
+               log_puts(level, file, line, function, string);
+               free(string);
+       }
+       va_end(ap);
+void log_printf_lf(enum log_levels level, const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *format, ...)
+       char *string;
+       va_list ap;
+       count++;
+       if (level > debug_level)
+               return;
+       va_start(ap, format);
+       string = alloc_vprintf(format, ap);
+       if (string != NULL)
-               va_start(args, format);
-               callback(privData, file, line, function, format, args);
-               va_end(args);
+               strcat(string, "\n"); /* alloc_vprintf guaranteed the buffer to be at least one char longer */
+               log_puts(level, file, line, function, string);
+               free(string);
+       va_end(ap);
 /* change the current debug level on the fly
@@ -89,29 +274,40 @@ void log_printf(enum log_levels level, const char *file, int line, const char *f
  * 3: + DEBUG MSGS
-int handle_debug_level_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, char *cmd, char **args, int argc)
-       if (argc == 0)
-               command_print(cmd_ctx, "debug_level: %i", debug_level);
-       if (argc > 0)
-               debug_level = strtoul(args[0], NULL, 0);
+       if (argc == 1)
+       {
+               unsigned new_level;
+               COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, args[0], new_level);
+               debug_level = MIN(new_level, LOG_LVL_DEBUG);
+       }
+       else if (argc > 1)
+               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
-       if (debug_level < 0)
-               debug_level = 0;
+       if (debug_level >= LOG_LVL_DEBUG && server_use_pipes == 1)
+       {
+               /* if we are enabling debug info then we need to write to a log file
+                * otherwise the pipe will get full and cause issues with gdb */
+               FILE* file = fopen("openocd.log", "w");
+               if (file)
+               {
+                       log_output = file;
+                       LOG_WARNING("enabling log output as we are using pipes");
+               }
+       }
-       if (debug_level > 3)
-               debug_level = 3;
+       command_print(cmd_ctx, "debug_level: %i", debug_level);
        return ERROR_OK;
-int handle_log_output_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, char *cmd, char **args, int argc)
        if (argc == 1)
                FILE* file = fopen(args[0], "w");
                if (file)
                        log_output = file;
@@ -123,6 +319,7 @@ int handle_log_output_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, char *cmd, char
 int log_register_commands(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx)
+       start = timeval_ms();
        register_command(cmd_ctx, NULL, "log_output", handle_log_output_command,
                COMMAND_ANY, "redirect logging to <file> (default: stderr)");
        register_command(cmd_ctx, NULL, "debug_level", handle_debug_level_command,
@@ -135,54 +332,201 @@ int log_init(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx)
        /* set defaults for daemon configuration, if not set by cmdline or cfgfile */
        if (debug_level == -1)
-               debug_level = LOG_INFO;
+               debug_level = LOG_LVL_INFO;
        if (log_output == NULL)
                log_output = stderr;
+       start = last_time = timeval_ms();
        return ERROR_OK;
 int set_log_output(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, FILE *output)
        log_output = output;
        return ERROR_OK;
+/* add/remove log callback handler */
+int log_add_callback(log_callback_fn fn, void *priv)
+       struct log_callback *cb;
+       /* prevent the same callback to be registered more than once, just for sure */
+       for (cb = log_callbacks; cb; cb = cb->next)
+       {
+               if (cb->fn == fn && cb->priv == priv)
+                       return ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
+       }
+       /* alloc memory, it is safe just to return in case of an error, no need for the caller to check this */
+       if ((cb = malloc(sizeof(struct log_callback))) == NULL)
+               return ERROR_BUF_TOO_SMALL;
+       /* add item to the beginning of the linked list */
+       cb->fn = fn;
+       cb->priv = priv;
+       cb->next = log_callbacks;
+       log_callbacks = cb;
+       return ERROR_OK;
+int log_remove_callback(log_callback_fn fn, void *priv)
+       struct log_callback *cb, **p;
+       for (p = &log_callbacks; (cb = *p); p = &(*p)->next)
+       {
+               if (cb->fn == fn && cb->priv == priv)
+               {
+                       *p = cb->next;
+                       free(cb);
+                       return ERROR_OK;
+               }
+       }
+       /* no such item */
 /* return allocated string w/printf() result */
-char *allocPrintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+char *alloc_vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+       /* no buffer at the beginning, force realloc to do the job */
        char *string = NULL;
-       /* start by 0 to exercise all the code paths. Need minimum 2 bytes to
-        * fit 1 char and 0 terminator. */
-       int size = 0;
-       int first = 1;
+       /* start with buffer size suitable for typical messages */
+       int size = 128;
        for (;;)
-               if ((string == NULL) || (!first))
+               char *t = string;
+               va_list ap_copy;
+               int ret;
+               string = realloc(string, size);
+               if (string == NULL)
-                       size = size * 2 + 2;
-                       char *t = string;
-                       string = realloc(string, size);
-                       if (string == NULL)
-                       {
-                               if (t != NULL)
-                                       free(t);
-                               return NULL;
-                       }
+                       if (t != NULL)
+                               free(t);
+                       return NULL;
-           int ret;
-           ret = vsnprintf(string, size, fmt, ap);
-           /* NB! The result of the vsnprintf() might be an *EMPTY* string! */
-           if ((ret >= 0) && ((ret + 1) < size))
-           {
-               return string;
-           }
-           /* there was just enough or not enough space, allocate more. */
-           first = 0;
+               va_copy(ap_copy, ap);
+               ret = vsnprintf(string, size, fmt, ap_copy);
+               /* NB! The result of the vsnprintf() might be an *EMPTY* string! */
+               if ((ret >= 0) && ((ret + 1) < size))
+                       break;
+               /* there was just enough or not enough space, allocate more in the next round */
+               size *= 2; /* double the buffer size */
+       }
+       /* the returned buffer is by principle guaranteed to be at least one character longer */
+       return string;
+char *alloc_printf(const char *format, ...)
+       char *string;
+       va_list ap;
+       va_start(ap, format);
+       string = alloc_vprintf(format, ap);
+       va_end(ap);
+       return string;
+/* Code must return to the server loop before 1000ms has returned or invoke
+ * this function.
+ *
+ * The GDB connection will time out if it spends >2000ms and you'll get nasty
+ * error messages from GDB:
+ *
+ * Ignoring packet error, continuing...
+ * Reply contains invalid hex digit 116
+ *
+ * While it is possible use "set remotetimeout" to more than the default 2000ms
+ * in GDB, OpenOCD guarantees that it sends keep-alive packages on the
+ * GDB protocol and it is a bug in OpenOCD not to either return to the server
+ * loop or invoke keep_alive() every 1000ms.
+ *
+ * This function will send a keep alive packet if >500ms has passed since last time
+ * it was invoked.
+ *
+ * Note that this function can be invoked often, so it needs to be relatively
+ * fast when invoked more often than every 500ms.
+ *
+ */
+void keep_alive()
+       current_time = timeval_ms();
+       if (current_time-last_time > 1000)
+       {
+               extern int gdb_actual_connections;
+               if (gdb_actual_connections)
+                       LOG_WARNING("keep_alive() was not invoked in the "
+                               "1000ms timelimit. GDB alive packet not "
+                               "sent! (%lld). Workaround: increase "
+                               "\"set remotetimeout\" in GDB",
+                               current_time-last_time);
+               else
+                       LOG_DEBUG("keep_alive() was not invoked in the "
+                               "1000ms timelimit (%lld). This may cause "
+                               "trouble with GDB connections.",
+                               current_time-last_time);
+       }
+       if (current_time-last_time > 500)
+       {
+               /* this will keep the GDB connection alive */
+               LOG_USER_N("%s", "");
+               /* DANGER!!!! do not add code to invoke e.g. target event processing,
+                * jim timer processing, etc. it can cause infinite recursion +
+                * jim event callbacks need to happen at a well defined time,
+                * not anywhere keep_alive() is invoked.
+                *
+                * These functions should be invoked at a well defined spot in server.c
+                */
+               last_time = current_time;
+       }
+/* reset keep alive timer without sending message */
+void kept_alive()
+       current_time = timeval_ms();
+       last_time = current_time;
+/* if we sleep for extended periods of time, we must invoke keep_alive() intermittantly */
+void alive_sleep(int ms)
+       int i;
+       int napTime = 10;
+       for (i = 0; i < ms; i += napTime)
+       {
+               int sleep_a_bit = ms-i;
+               if (sleep_a_bit > napTime)
+               {
+                       sleep_a_bit = napTime;
+               }
+               usleep(sleep_a_bit*1000);
+               keep_alive();
+       }
+void busy_sleep(int ms)
+       long long then;
+       then = timeval_ms();
+       while ((timeval_ms()-then) < ms)
+       {
+               /* busy wait */

Linking to existing account procedure

If you already have an account and want to add another login method you MUST first sign in with your existing account and then change URL to read https://review.openocd.org/login/?link to get to this page again but this time it'll work for linking. Thank you.

SSH host keys fingerprints

1024 SHA256:YKx8b7u5ZWdcbp7/4AeXNaqElP49m6QrwfXaqQGJAOk gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (DSA)
384 SHA256:jHIbSQa4REvwCFG4cq5LBlBLxmxSqelQPem/EXIrxjk gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ECDSA)
521 SHA256:UAOPYkU9Fjtcao0Ul/Rrlnj/OsQvt+pgdYSZ4jOYdgs gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ECDSA)
256 SHA256:A13M5QlnozFOvTllybRZH6vm7iSt0XLxbA48yfc2yfY gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ECDSA)
256 SHA256:spYMBqEYoAOtK7yZBrcwE8ZpYt6b68Cfh9yEVetvbXg gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ED25519)
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2048 SHA256:0Onrb7/PHjpo6iVZ7xQX2riKN83FJ3KGU0TvI0TaFG4 gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (RSA)